Tag: Diet

Breaking Up With Your Inner Bitch – Fitness Thuggery

Let’s discuss one of the biggest problems we face as men concerning our appearance. Fat loss.

I’m sure that you all have been subjected to this very subject a million times from experts who conducted this trial and that study. But I want to speak with you all man to man and address some real issues while pointing out a few facts.

As men we have a tendency to disguise our insecurities in life and in the gym.

Sure we go to the gym, however often we put up a wall that reveals itself in one of two ways.

We isolate and don’t seek out help and if we do, we seek it out from persons about on the same level as ourselves.

We pretend to be satisfied with what we’re doing and use phrases like ‘I just want to be fit’, ‘I just wanna gain 5-10 pounds of muscle and lose a little fat’…

lets address these things..

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