Escape Hell and Reclaim Your Soul

I had slowly given away so many pieces of my soul working  there. Aspirations and passions were put aside and abandoned. Time with my family was lost and entire friendships fell into obscurity.

I became a man that I didn’t even recognize anymore and I began to resent life.

I had a good job that I busted my ass at for 8 years to climb up the ladder and I had everything most people could have wanted. They paid me very well, great benefits, and even a company vehicle with all gas paid for. But I wasn’t happy. In fact, I was absolutely miserable.

I felt like I was wasting the best years of my life making someone else rich instead of fulfilling my life’s purpose.

That job consumed my existence. When they told me to eat shit….I asked how much shit I needed to eat.

Then, Something changed in me and I started searching for a way out of my own personal hell.

I decided that my past was my past. And I would not allow the past to dictate my future. I would do whatever necessary to take my soul back.

When you know what you want and you start looking for answers, something amazing happens. All the answers will start to find you.

Here’s the thing. There are tons of people that want out of their miserable existence and contemplate doing something to find a life of freedom. But they think it’s too hard to find the answer and they settle back in to their safe little weekly paycheck being miserable.

Their life remains a jail cell and they give up before they can find the key to open the door.

If you have the balls to look for the keys the jail cell, then I commend you. But looking and wanting will never be enough, getting off your ass and doing it is what matters. Most never get off their ass…it’s called hustle.

If you make it someday, congratulations because you are one very few people that will actually see it through.

Most people won’t though and that is why they deserve nothing. But the people that stuck with it and gave everything they had, deserve to have everything.

If you give up, then you deserve nothing. If you give everything, then you deserve everything.

It takes 4 thing. Time, dedication, obsession, and patience.

Most people quit in the beginning because they don’t get the instant results they were expecting. This is why most people never leave their steady paying job that they’re miserable at.

You will have to maintain the patience of a saint whenever you start your own business whether it be rental properties and blogs like me or owning your own body shop. Success doesn’t happen immediately and it really does take time to grow.

I didn’t have much free time in the beginning so I woke up at 4 o’clock every morning and worked on my businesses for an hour every day before hitting the gym. This was the only way that I can make this work because the rest of my day was loaded with other responsibilities.

You can’t just not put forth effort if you want to succeed.

You have to show up every day and contribute something, even if it’s just a little bit. Plant a seed, water it every day, and eventually will turn into a beautiful tree. But neglect it and it will whither away I am never been anything

You have to allow yourself to become’s obsessed with reaching your goal. This might not sound like fun and may even sound somewhat unhealthy. But if you want it, you have to be obsessed with getting it. Let nothing stand in your way.

The truth is this is a very lonely road. There probably won’t be any passengers in the car with you for a very long time. But that’s fine.

I remember the first time my rental properties and leavingweakness made more money in a month than my job did. There have been a lot of highs and several lows but it always worked out and continued to grow because I never gave up.

I got a taste of what freedom could be like and I decided that I would never eat shit again.

While other people doubt you and stay miserable, you can be building your empire and creating your own economy that you allowed you to reclaim your soul.

That my friends is how you open the door and escape your own personal hell. The process is not easy. But making the choice to do so is.

And when you make that choice, you are taking the first step forward and become the person that you’re destined to be.



  1. Angelo

    Rental properties huh. Im looking to buy my first one here in Florida.

    • Scott

      You need to check out

      It is the best thing out there for anyone wanting to get into real estate. I pretty much learned everything I know from listening to their podcast and it definitely saved me from making a lot of mistakes. God luck!

  2. Angelo

    Great site. I just registered.

    • Scott

      Hell yeah!

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