I want to tell you guys about a compound that I’ve been researching known as MK677.  I do believe that this is an excellent compound to help accelerate reaching your goals. However, there are certain protocols that need to take place to avoid some of it’s negative effects.

What is MK 677 and how does it work?

MK 677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that works by signaling the pituitary gland  to release more of its natural growth hormone.

CLICK HERE to listen my Podcast episode on MK 677

I only suggest using this compound if your trying to take in extra calories because this is a Ghrelin agonist. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and taking MK 677 will dramatically increase appetite.

After MK 677 is consumed, it signals the pituitary gland to release several strong growth hormone pulses throughout the day. This results in the liver producing IGF-1.

Depending on the dosage Continue reading