I’ve taken Rad140 (Testolone) for years now and ran several cycles of it. It’s my favorite sarm for sure because it has the highest anabolic ratio of 90:1, So it’s almost purely anabolic. To put it into perspective, consider that Ostarine’s A:A ratio is only 3:1 and LGD4033 is 10:1. I covered the fat burning and muscle building properties of Rad140 in this article.

But there is another reason I suggest this one that many people haven’t realized. This is the cognitive effects that many researchers experience with this compound.

With chemical science, we often hear talk about unusual effects people notice while using something. Then, you wonder what the hell that’s all about and have sum it up to broscience because there is no literature to support any science behind such claims. Often times scientific info rolls out years later to support that broscience as being based in actual science.

There have been dozens of folks that mention an increase in mental focus when using Rad140. I personally have experienced this as well. But there is actually some recent research that’s come out that may explain why. Continue reading