Tag: Success

Good things come to those who cant sit still

I absolutely hate that old saying ‘good things come to those who wait’.

What a pathetic incentive for people to set on their ass and let their ambitions pass them by!

If I’ve learned anything over the past 5 years, it’s this. Nothing in life comes to those who wait, and good things happen to those who can’t sit still!

I have people who constantly telling me that I need to relax, I work too much, and that I stay too busy.

This does not offend me. In fact, I tell those people that they are absolutely right and I would honesty have it no other way.

You see, I know that there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who want to be taken care of and those who take care of things. I created a system of income for myself that I enjoy being immersed in. But I know that I must hustle to keep it growing because no one is going to take care of me except me.

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How To Retire Young by Creating Your Own Economy

I’ll be celebrating my 32nd birthday next month. Normally, I would have never cared but this one is different than all the others. This is the first birthday I will have celebrated in a long time as a happy and free person.

I am celebrating because I made the choice to retire from a 10 year long career that nearly destroyed who I was as a person.

Some of you may be thinking that I really got fired or just quit because I’m still considered young. However, this just wasn’t the case.

A few years ago, I realized that I didn’t want to waste my entire life working to make someone else wealthy while only getting a small amount of the money that I made for the company. Spending 10 hour days as a wage slave in hopes of retiring in my 70’s. But the problem with that is… Continue reading

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying My First Rental Property

Real estate investing has completely changed my life! I am on the very real path of achieving financial freedom within a few years and retiring before the age of 32. But there is a whole lot to this business that I had to figure out along the way which I now view merely as pricey learning lessons.

I was scared shitless when I bought my first investment property. And hopefully my experiences can help those of you wanting to get started on the path of financial freedom through real estate. So, without further ado… Continue reading

Its Time To Ignore The Propaganda

The best way to keep a society poor and docile is by keeping them distracted.

Why do news papers and television stations exist? Do you think they actually exist to give you accurate information and keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world? To believe that is naïve. The truth of their existence is to make money.

They influence you in a way that keeps you coming back for more. Then they convince you to waste money on their advertisers products. Continue reading


They say that you cant live your life with regret but there’s no doubt that most of us have things we would change if given the opportunity.  The world doesn’t care if your successful or not and it doesn’t owe you anything.  So, its easy to fail if you aren’t aware of the right steps to take in life.

Next to puberty, young adult hood was the most confusing time of my life. I was now a man but didn’t know shit from Shinolah and made a ton of mistakes along the way. If I could write an advice filled letter to my younger self, it would go something like this…

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The Reason Why You Are Not Successful

The number one reason why you are not successful is because you have not made the right commitment. You may have set goals and acted on them to achieve your success. But have you given yourself permission to be completely obsessed?

Our society has taught us that obsession is a bad thing. The obsession is often used with negative things habits like drug abuse and in some sort of weird perversion. However, if you look back through history, every single person that we remember to this day was obsessed with whatever their mission was in life.

Guys like Van Gogh or Leonardo Da Vinci would be set up for failure in todays society. The second a therapist analyzed one of these guys, they would be prescribed all kinds of drugs for ADD, ADHD, OCD, and every other acronym you can think of.

What some consider flaws, you can turn into strengths!

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10 Pillars Of Wealth Review

The 10 Pillars Of Wealth is a very well written and easily read book for anyone looking to become successful.  I firmly believe that a good book easily hold your attention. If a book is a good read, i can usually knock it out in just a few days. I finished it in four days because it provided solid information and was very entertaining. Alex Becker explains in-depth concepts on accumulating wealth in ways anybody can relate to.

Some of the examples he uses to teach are a little on the extreme side. Some of his stories that he uses as examples are downright hilarious. Either way, he does a fantastic job of relating these concepts through his examples. Somehow, he rides the line between pure genius and a perverted cartoon character.  The thing that I like the most about Becker’s writing is his blatant honesty. He tells you exactly why most people don’t succeed and that there’s a chance you will not succeed either. Unless, you understand and implement the pillars that he discusses into your daily life.

The best description that I could give this book, is to call it a modern version of  Think and Grow Rich.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 6 Rules for Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger was my hero for single handedly destroying the predator and saving John Connor when I was a kid.

As a teenager, I looked up to him for being the worlds greatest bodybuilder.

As a man, I greatly admire him for his mindset and determination.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is no doubt one of the most amazing success stories of the modern era. He exudes a level of charisma that very few people possess.  A true self made man, Arnold  took the realization of the American dream to a level few could ever have the determination to achieve. Continue reading

How to start a blog with badnet

The Most Easy And Cost Effective Way To Start A Blog Is By Using Badnet by Bold & Determined.

I am not an affiliate of Badnet or Bold & Determined nor was I paid to right this review. I simply want to let everyone how legit Badnet is. Hopefully, I will tell you what I wish someone would have told me years ago.

I always wanted my own website for a creative outlet to share ideas and experiences to help people. I never made the step toward actually doing it because I thought it would be too difficult to learn.  Additionally, I thought it would be too expensive to pay someone to do it for me. Continue reading

Eliminating Toxic People From Your Life

Toxic People

You Don’t Need Them

I have had a lot of ‘friends’ throughout my life who I now realize
weren’t really friends at all. I would do anything I could to help them out, but when I needed them, I would usually find myself very let down.

Looking back at those toxic people, I realized that they always seemed to acquire a different group of friends every couple of years. This was due to a continuous cycle of gaining someone’s trust, taking advantage of it, the friends catch on and get sick of it. Then they are forced to find someone new to prey on because they pushed everyone else away. Continue reading

Mindset: A Wolf Among The Sheep

Our society, if not the entire world, is addicted to social media. If you just look around you, your gonna see that everybody’s face is glued to their phone. They are sucking up all the content that they possibly can.

When most of us get bored, we pick up our phone to get on Instagram or Facebook to see what everybody else is doing.

We are addicted to this virtual reality world that is built on our phones and computers. We make excuses why we can’t make accomplishments and complain about why our lives aren’t better.

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