I absolutely hate that old saying ‘good things come to those who wait’.

What a pathetic incentive for people to set on their ass and let their ambitions pass them by!

If I’ve learned anything over the past 5 years, it’s this. Nothing in life comes to those who wait, and good things happen to those who can’t sit still!

I have people who constantly telling me that I need to relax, I work too much, and that I stay too busy.

This does not offend me. In fact, I tell those people that they are absolutely right and I would honesty have it no other way.

You see, I know that there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who want to be taken care of and those who take care of things. I created a system of income for myself that I enjoy being immersed in. But I know that I must hustle to keep it growing because no one is going to take care of me except me.

And this hustle mindset gives me purpose in life. It keeps my American blood pumping with full force daily and I absolutely love it.

That’s why I can’t sit still.

Nothing is going to move unless you give it that push.

I’m going to explain some concepts on accumulating wealth and finding success, in ways anybody can relate to.

I will be blatantly honest. I’ll tell you exactly why most people don’t succeed. And there is a chance you will not succeed either. Unless, you understand and implement these universally tried and proven steps to obtain prosperity.

The following concepts represent the ideas and thought processes universally shared within all successful people. Furthermore, these traits and ideas are usually not found in poor, lazy, or comfortable people.  Most people who already come to understand these ideas had done so by going through extreme hardships first.

Perhaps these lessons will allow you to skip the painful processes normally required to learn them. These have been some of my personal Keys to success and I am sharing with those willing to take hold of them.

However, it is you that must unlock the doors.

Reject getting rich slow

This is a major part of obtaining true life of financial freedom. Everything that everyone ever thought you about becoming successful is completely wrong.  

Let’s just consider the 9-5 traffic fighters.

A traffic fighter is a person who fights traffic every morning to a 9-5, soul-sucking job they are miserable at. Unfortunately, these are the people that have been educating and giving advice to us for decades. However, they are certainly least than qualified to be telling us how to accumulate wealth and success.

Why in the hell would you ever take advice on getting rich from someone who is neither wealthy or successful?

Would you take car repair advice from a person who does not know anything about cars? I hope not.

We are advised to go to school, get a good job, and retire when we are old. This is supposedly the lowest risk way to reach success and happiness. But, by the time you reach it, you will probably be too old to truly enjoy it.  Doing this is an even more risky gamble in which you are hoping for the best.

Too many factors must take place for this get rich slow and safe mindset to actually work. 
  • You do not die in the next 30 years
  • Your health is not jeopardized
  • You do not lose your job
  • The company is not outsourced or become obsolete
  • The company stays successful
  • The economy does not tank
  • Your investments do not collapse
  • Our currency system stays strong

Chances are that at some point, something negative WILL happen. Almost every one of the factors puts control of your life in someone else’s hands. By following this broken concept, you are allowing your financial well-being to be decided by everything except you.  Getting rich quickly is actually less risky because you control everything.

Just like any skill, at first you will not be very good at it. However, the more consistently you work at it, the better you will become.

Even if you fail 5 times, you only have to get it right once to become rich. Rather than spending 40 years to MAYBE get there one day.  Your mind, what you learn, and everything you do is what controls your success.

Take Control

You need to know every aspect of your business so you can make the best decisions possible and dominate that bitch. And when you take control, the following things apply…

You are in complete control of your life, not anyone or anything else

You can get better at anything if you are consistent and determined

This is why the most successful people view their failures as learning lessons. Just another step to the top of the mountain. No matter how many times you fail, it only takes one time of getting it right to become rich.

Assume responsibility for everything

This is one of the biggest mindset shifts that you will have to make to achieve success. Nothing in your life will change unless you change first. Taking responsibility for every single thing that happens will allow you to take complete control.


Every. Single. Thing.

Even if something seems completely out of your hands, assume responsibility and figure out what could have been different.  Once you take control of everything, anything can be made possible if you choose for it to be.

Separating time from money

Time is the only non-renewable resource on this planet. Therefore, time is absolutely essential to figure out how to manipulate time in your favor.

For example, you can develop a system that trains employees to constantly sell the same way you do. So, instead of just you selling, you can have ten people selling.  Allowing you to create massive action that will lead to greater returns.

One of the most important aspect of financial freedom is separating time from money.  To do this, you must have your money work for you rather than you work for your money. The greatest way to do this is to have multiple flows of income through these passive forms of income.

Passive income is the ability to accumulate money without actively putting in consistent time to earn it.  You see, when most people need extra money, they decide to get a part time job. Then, they are paid in accordance to the number of hours they have labored. This form of earning is known as active income. Passive income can be earned while you sleep or take a shower.  You put some form of initial investment of time or money at first. Then, you can create cash flow without constant labor to produce your income.

There are many forms of passive income such as selling e-books, affiliate marketing, and real estate investing. You can go HERE to see how to achieve financial freedom through passive income.

Mapping out actions to achieve goals

Write down your goals every day.

And make your goals bigger than what you set out to accomplish in the current moment. So if you want to buy your first rental property, make your goal to be owning a small apartment complex. I’ve found that doing this sets something in motion that allows you to push harder and aim to achieve more than what you originally intended to accomplish.

Then Break your goals down into steps that you can accomplish.

Take that big fat juicy goal and break it down to smaller goals which are to be achieved first. Knocking out the small goals then conform to crate the grand achievement that you set out for. This process basically castrates the complexity of achieving your big goal.

Not focusing on too many small details

People that think too much about perfecting every small damn detail, often do not succeed.  These people often quite out of frustration because they could not perfect the situation. This mindset often hinders us from moving forward and taking the necessary steps needed in becoming successful.  Getting caught up in too many of these small details often stagnates our advancement because we fail to see the big picture of what is possible. You need to be less focused on small details and more focused on taking massive action to create a greater chance of success.

Perfection is not real! The whole concept of ‘perfect’ is so subjective that nothing can be universally perfect to everyone.

Amazon and Google are not perfect. But that did not stop them from becoming the biggest companies in the world.

But there are these fools that waste so much time trying to tweak a product until its perfect and not selling any units at all. While some other guy went ahead and launched an inferior product, is selling the hell out of it, and just makes the necessary improvements along the way.

You can call it analysis paralysis or whatever you want. Your whole ‘I’m waiting until its perfect before I launch’ is just your bullshit excuse to keep talking the talk. And not actually having to do what it takes to make it happen.

Don’t get hung up on the “what if” rather than “what is”.

Too much thought is spent over-researching and worrying about every little thing to mitigate anything that could go wrong. This put them in a state of paralysis, where opportunities are constantly passing us by. this goes back to the perfectionist people I brought up earlier.

At some point, something is going to go wrong.

You WILL make mistakes.

However, you must use that as learning experiences to allow yourself to further progress towards success. You can use failures as references as to what not to do in the future!

Surrounding yourself with people that help you advance in life

Take a look at the five people you spend the most time with. If none of these people are where you want to be in 5 years, then you have some serious changes you need to make. Because I’m here to tell you that the people your closest with are the ones that will hold you back the most.

At some point, you have to understand you must be better than everyone else to succeed. This ideology will require you to hold yourself accountable for everything. You will eventually realize that nothing in your life will ever change, if you yourself does not change first.

A major part of this will involve surround yourself with others that can help you to reach your goals. Humans are a product of their environment and the people you surround yourself with can have an enormousness influence on your life.