There was a massive void left in the research community when Proven Peptides shut down. Proven Peptides became huge because of reliable products, outstanding customer service, and smooth transaction processing. I’ve been vetting research chemical companies over the past 3 months to fill that vacancy. And I’ve found a company called Chemyo with a similar model and wider product selection. In this Chemyo review, I’ll discuss various products I’ve used. I’ll also outline their quality control methods and do a product unboxing video.
I’ve been using research chemicals for nearly 6 years and done countless reviews of various companies. Some of those companies were complete shit and a select few were outstanding. But a companies reputation can not be built on product quality alone. It doesn’t matter how good the product quality is if there is a lack of infrastructure to ensure a good customer service. This is where Chemyo is really making a name for itself with a great customer experience.
Operational Standards
Chemyo is a big enough company that they have high operational standards. Usually, Im all for the smaller people but in the sarms business, I’ve found the bigger guys to be better. Typically, the smaller folks have a lack of support and funding that leads to cutting corners that effect the client.
A big issue with many of these research chemical companies is if they are relatively small operations. They usually consist of an owner who handles running the site and taking orders and some other person making the product. one or two people making the products. This limited setup can cause some serious setbacks when customer service issues arise.
Just think about a company where an owner is constantly shipping product at the post office, dealing with taking payments, and sourcing raw materials. How well do you think such a thinly stretched person is going to be able to deal with elaborate issues like tracking information and lost packages? This is why many research chemical companies disappear after only a year or two of existence.
Sarms in general have a very favorable high return on investment. But the seduction of the high ROI erodes quickly when quality operation management are not implemented. Chemyo has thoroughly exceeded my standards of expectation in this regard. Which I’ll continue to elaborate on.
Chemyo 3rd Party Testing
Most sarm companies won bother posting any testing documents on their site. But its very common for the few that do to use the certificate of analysis provided by their supplier. This blindly assumes that the supplier is being honest. This is rarely the case as most suppliers will almost always have 99.9% purity on every COA because the just want to secure the sale.
Chemyo goes through an exhaustive and expensive process to have all batches third party tested and posted on their product pages. This provides a major level of transparency for consumers to view the exact testing results on the exact batch of product the purchased from. If you look at the COAs and HPLCs on their site, you may notice they are using S&N Labs out of California. S&N is one of the most well respected testing facilities in the United States and is not cheap to utilize.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Chemyo’s quality control process.
Chemyo payment methods
Seriously, have you ever noticed how many sarm companies pop up overnight and then go away? Most of the time it’s because they failed to keep their bank account and I’ll explain why.
Things like research chemicals fall into whats known as a ‘gray market’ business. This means that they have to be marketed and sold a very specific way to avoid negative repercussions. Banks and credit card companies do not like these sort of businesses because its considered ‘high risk’ for them to processes these transactions.
Credit Cards
There are a lot of smaller research chemical companies are processing credit cards in what ‘could’ be viewed by some organizations as a form of laundering. Typically, they use some sort of off-line payment processor to run your credit card and then filter it through a shell corporation so it doesn’t look like the actual website is charging you for gray market/restricted materials. Instead, they might set up an LLC as some sort of supplement company and then use an app like Sumup or Stripe to charge people as something else.
Credit card companies don’t like gray market businesses such as research chemicals and Kratom. This is because of the liability with chargebacks and everything else. Getting a legitimate and completely legal credit card services is a cumbersome process for grey market businesses. This requires an American bank setting up an electronic point of sale to actually take place in a country that does not prohibit the sale of that particular product through their banking systems. Then transferring it back to the United States banking portal. This way, the actual transaction wasn’t committed by the bank in the United States.
Chemyo abides by this practice so everything is deemed completely lawful and legitimate. It’s a lot of hoops to jump through. Which is why most of the smaller companies don’t bother dealing with it. And eventually getting their bank accounts shut down when they get caught.
Also, banks that do this sort of service, like Shift Banking, require a pretty large amount of guaranteed transactions per month to even bother doing this because it is pretty expensive on their end. Which explains the added processing fees on the website for using a credit card in most cases.
The only other legitimate option is using E-check payments . This is how I processed my order with Chemyo. I am a huge fan of this particular payment process.
E-checking is where you put in you account and routing number. Then your bank a overnights physical check to the merchants bank verifying the transaction. This is honestly one of the more safer ways to make purchases on the Internet.
This payment method is a secure process that helps negate hazardous issues that come with online credit card processing. Which drastically lowers the chances of issues with identity theft and stolen card numbers. Another advantage is the record keeping your bank will provided for your transaction. Just like a personal check, you’ll be able to view an online PDF of the E-check.
I’m really surprised people aren’t more familiar with E-checking. Because it’s been around forever, works great, and rarely comes with additional fees.
Chemyo ordering process
I’ve included a variety of screenshots below so you can see the exact process I experienced while completing the transaction on my cell phone.
The checkout process was very user friendly. I purchased a variety of different compounds to include in my review. Chemyo offers free shipping on US orders over $150. However, there are plenty of opportunities to receive further discounts before completing your payment.
There is a space to apply coupon codes such as LEAVINGWEAKNESS10 which provides 10% off and helps support our site.
After inputting your billing information, you’ll be given th option to evidence order updates to your phone. After you put in your phone number Chemyo sends a OTP verification code as you can see in the 3rd picture below. A One-Time PIN code is a code that is valid for only one login session or transaction using a mobile phone.
This may seem like a standard thing for most modern companies, but this is a pretty advanced feature for sarm companies. Again solidifying that Chemyo is doing everything right in this business to raise consumer expectations.

After verifying your information, you then choose from their available payment options. The credit cards option is 100% legit but comes with a hefty fee because of the process they abide by as previously mentioned. They offer a 5% discount for the increasingly popular bitcoin option. I received a confirmation email within 2 minutes of completing the transaction.

I placed my order on December the 12th. The tracking information showed movement through the mail system the following morning. I received my order on December 18th.
Chemyo did everything possible on their end to ensure timely delivery. However, the 7 day shipping period was due to USPS struggling during the busy holiday season. I would have received my package in as little as 3 or 4 days if it were during a less busy time of the year.
All of my products arrived in good condition. The order was packed in a thick bubble wrap mailer. All products were individually wrapped to ensure no damage would take place during transit. And there was also a packing list that was consistent with everything I had ordered.
Chemyo product review
I ordered 4 different SARMs that I have an abundant amount of experience with. I’ve ran each one of these compounds several before and know exactly what to expect. Each one has different noticeable traits that happen once they kick in. The four sarms I ordered were RAD140, MK677, GW501516, and YK11. I took advantage of their value pack specials which have a 10% discount of of various product combinations.

I am very sensitive to growth hormone secretagogues. There are some particular side effects that are common with this compound. Some of these effects include an increase in hunger, lethargy if taken during the day, tingly hands at night, temporary increase in water retention, and deeper sleep patterns.
The effective daily dosing for MK677 is 25mg. I took this compound a few hours before bed during the first week. And I quickly noticed the common hand tingling at night. This is a common trait with increased levels of hormone growth. I also notice much heavier sleep patterns. Normally, I get up two or three times during the middle of the night. But on Mk677, I sleep hard throughout the night and felt well rested the next morning.
During the second week, I chose to dose it at 25mg in the morning. I almost immediately noticed an insane increase in appetite. This is because MK677 works through activating the hunger hormone called Ghrelin in the stomach. Another thing that I noticed was a bit of lethargy during the middle of the day. However it was the kind of lethargy where you feel like you just need to take a quick nap, This is another sign of increased growth hormone. The lethargy and hunger can be mitigated by dosing the compound before bed as I mention HERE in this article.

RAD140 is hands down my favorite SARM of all time. I’ve ran dozens of cycles of it over the past five years and believe it can hold its own compared to more infamous anabolics. It has a impressive A:A Ratio of 90:1 and produces amazing results with minimal side effects. I started to notice the signs of legitimate RAD140 within 3 days of taking this compound. The first being the nootropic quality it has of increasing mental focus. The explanation behind this quality is thoroughly detailed in this article.
I was utilizing 20mg doses taken daily along with my TRT. Significant increases in vascularity and muscle hardening became very noticeable by the beginning of the second week. If I were to suggest any one sarm above any others to someone it would be RAD14O which you can read more about HERE.

If you want a great combo for a total body recomposition, then use Cardarine and RAD140 together! These two compounds together bring the same results as running a hard cycle of anavar in my opinion.
Cardarine, also called GW501516, is a PPAR receptor agonist that basically repairs metabolic function and acts as a fat oxidizer. A PPAR agonist changes the body’s fuel preference from glucose to fat lipids. This process up-regulates the expression of proteins involved in energy expenditure. This suggests that cardarine can correct metabolic issues and make the body become more efficient at using stored energy such as body fat.
I utilized a 20mg daily dosage of while eating at my caloric maintenance. After one week, I experienced a noticeable increase in cardiovascular endurance. I also believe that some fat loss from this compound helped contribute to the vascularity that i attributed to the RAD140 as well. This is overall great quality GW501516. READ THIS to learn more about the science behind cardarine.

YK11 is a very unique compound. Technically, it is a SARM. However, I would call it a steroidal myostatin inhibitor. It can still provide results if ran solo but I think it works best as an add on compound. YK11 basically lowers myostatin levels in the body that prevent muscle growth. So using this with another base anabolic will make the compound shine that much more.
I noticed this compound kick in with just a few days. I get strong as hell every single time I use this compound and this time was no different. Noticeable strength increase were observed during the first week and consistently increased every week after. Nitrogen retention and pumps were absolutely outstanding.
One side effect of using real YK11 is that it seems to result in some level of temporary achiness in joints. I started to experience this during the 3rd week as I expected. YK11 isn’t exactly one of my favorite compounds because of this reason. However, it certainly works well to quickly increase size and strength if that is what your looking for. HERE is more information about YK11.

Chemyo Powders and nootropics
An interesting group of products that Chemyo sells are packets of raw powders. They provide raw SARM powders for those who want to save money by making their own research chemicals. If this is something your interested in then utilize the solvents the sell such as PEG400 to suspend the powder in.
The powders come in a really high quality mylar bag that is both air and light resistant. This helps protect the integrity of the compounds as the can be degraded by exposure to the environment.
I didn’t pick up any powdered sarms. However, I did get a couple of very interesting nootropics which were Coluracetam and NSI-189.
I have conducted extensive experiments with nootropics in the racetam family over the past several months. This includes piracetam, oxiracetam, noopept, phenylpiracetam, and pramiracetam. I also take many other nootropics like EPA/DHA fish oil, l-theanine, and forms of choline such as alpha-GPC.
Coluracetam was one that I hadn’t tried yet. I experimented with 50mg taken with 500mg Alpha-GPC half an hour beforehand. Learning, speed of thought, and both short/long term memories were enhanced. As with many nootropics, focus is improved and thoughts are clearer on this compound. However, the most interesting effect was the heightening of senses. Visual details and colors become more vivid and have an almost ‘HD’ quality. This quality has sealed the deal on Coluractem becoming one of my favorite nootropics.
Now at the time of writing this, Im still learning about NSI189 before considering experimenting with it. Therefore, I can not give an opinion on the compound.
Chemyo coupon code
I was very impressed with their consistency, product quality, and service. Chemyo and will be one of my top recommendations for a long time.
This company has been around long enough to know what works and what doesn’t in regards to operating standards. If you looking for a reliable company that has all aspects of their business down pat, then CHEMYO is the source you want to take a look at.
Thank I just bought some products from this company and on the bottle it says not for human use? I am curious why they put that on there and so you have taken the cardarine and ibutamoran did you notice any side effects and what dosage did you use?
That disclaimer is the loophole that is utilized in order to sell those items as they are considered non-FDA approved pharmaceutical compounds. I have a couple articles here that may help answer further questions, however the side effects where mostly all positive.
Hello, I just discovered your website. Very informative and well written for a beginner. May I ask you 3 questions? 1/why you don’t talk about ostarine in this review? 2/Does your beginner sarm cycles article still holds true? 3/Today for a first cycle would you recommend ostarine or RAD-140?
Thank you very much for your work and clarity on this very sensitive topic. I want to leave weakness.
1.) I did not mention Ostarine in this particular article because I did not use it during this particular brand review.
2.) yes the begginer cycle still hold true as I believe using either ostarine or LGD is a good starting point for researching sarms.
3>) Rad140 is my favorite sarm hands down and is the most effective in terms of results, however it is much more suppressive than ostarine to the endocrine system so a more extensive PCT would be necessary if not on TRT….Just depends on if you want to start off in moderation or go all in.
What is your recommendations for a TRT
In regards to TRT dosage, I personally find that 200mg-250mg of a medium ester (Cypionate or Enanthate) dosed once per week is more than sufficient for TRT purposes and has my bloodwork right at the 500ng/dl to 600ng/dl range.