Alright folks. Lets get a couple of things straight about PCT.
PCT is an acronym for Post Cycle Therapy. This is the process that you need to go through following a cycle of steroids or any other anabolic compound. This also includes pro-hormones and SARMs. The entire purpose of PCT is to help bring your body back to homeostasis by restoring your natural testosterone production.
Anytime you run a cycle, you give your body a huge burst of exogenous hormones. the body reacts to the synthetic hormones you give it by temporarily suppressing its own natural production. It doesn’t need to produce anything because your providing it with whatever compound you taking. So unless you plan on being on gear the entire rest of your life, then PCT is a must.
I didn’t know anything about PCT the first time I used gear and it was absolutely horrible
I was 19 the first time I used testosterone and I didn’t know shit from shinola. And I had no reason to be using it but thought it was a great idea anyway. I bought 1 vial of testosterone from a friend of a friend without knowing anything about PCT , AIs, or anything really. Keep in mind that I lived in the middle of nowhere, right in the midwest, and this was around 2004. I didn’t even have the internet at the time and information on this stuff wasn’t as common as it is now.
So I basically stopped cold turkey after the vial of testosterone ran out. And about 2 weeks after the last injection…I felt like total shit! I became very depressed, had no motivation, and could get a hard-on to save my life. This shit lasted for about 6 weeks and I ended up losing about 90% of my gains.
You see, I basically replaced my own testosterone with synthetic test and shut it down. I didn’t do PCT and basically had no testosterone for almost 2 months before my body recovered. All this could have been prevented if I would have used post cycle therapy. This was such a bad experience that it actually ruined weightlifting and anabolics for me for several years.
There are several different compounds that can be ran for PCT. But the two most common are Nolvadex and Clomid.
Clomid (aka Clomiphene) is a SERM ,or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. This compound has been around since the late 1960s and is used to treat infertility. It basically helps women get pregnant by stimulating ovulation but it is also used for men who have hypogonadism. There is a whole process involved in the body that gets pretty complex but it basically tells your balls to start working on their own again.
Nolvadex (aka Tomoxifen) is also a SERM that has been around forever and was created as breast cancer medication. This compound basically helps keep estrogen rebounds at bay once you come off cycle.
Aromisate Inhibitors and HCG
Some people take SERMs during the cycle to prevent estrogen build up but I personally think that clomid sucks for this purpose. An aromitase inhibitor like Anastrozole (Arimidex) works way better because it prevents estrogen conversion all together.
And to be honest, HCG is superior to Clomid and Nolvadex in PCT but it has to be reconstituted and injected. Therefore most guys that find dealing with HCG as a pain in the ass prefer the oral route of using clomid/Nolvadex.
HERE is a good source for HMG, HCG, PCTS, and other Peptides.
How to Run a Successful PCT Protocol
Im going to tell you guys what I do based on works for me. If I’m coming of a cycle of testosterone, im not going to start my PCT until the test is out of my system. So this is going to based on the ester that you are using and how long its half-life is.
For example , Testosterone cypionate has a half life between 8 and 12 days. This means that it takes about two weeks before the drug is out of your system. Therefore, I will wait about two weeks after the last injection to start pct. This is because your body will have a harder time recovering if the synthetic hormone is still in your system.
I recover better when running clomid and nolvadex together. The amount to be used depends cycle strength and length. But as your cycle gets heavier, you will need to use HCG with the Nolvadex and Clomid.
Here is how I do them together for a 4 week PCT following a test only cycle. But keep in mind that everyone is different and may require more , or less:
Week 1
Clomid 50 mg per day
Nolvadex 40 mg per day
Week 2
Clomid 50 mg per day
Nolvadex 40 mg per day
Week 3
Clomid 25 mg per day
Nolvadex 20 mg per day
Week 4
Clomid 25 mg per day
Nolvadex 20 mg per day
PCT for SARM Cycles
SARMs are not as hard on your endocrine system as steroids, in most cases. But regardless of what some idiots say, they still require post cycle therapy.
They just don’t need as much PCT as steroids. In this case using just Clomid OR just Nolvadex will suffice for most. However the protocol mentioned above would be ideal.
One last important piece of advice
The more shit you take on cycle, the more compounds (like HCG) you will have to run during PCT. Anyone who isn’t willing to invest the time or money in PCT, really shouldn’t be fucking with performance enhancers at all.
PCT is an absolute must you want to keep the results of all your hard work and don’t want to feel like crap after your cycle is over.
You can get these items from research chemical companies online. But here is my disclaimer: these research chemicals are not supposed be used on human beings. You have to use them on your 200 pound pet rat.
Amino Asylum provides high quality research compounds like what I mentioned. And my coupon code is LW20 will save you 20% off anything on their site!
Click Here to read my in depth review of all Amino Asylum’s products.

what’s the difference between nolva and clomid? I’ve read that nolva is alot more potent than clomid. and both are liver toxic??
You are correct! Nolvadex is more potent than Clomid and typicaly has less side effects as well. Clomid can make some guys a little over emotional. My opinion is that Nolvadex does a better job in modulating estrogen and preventing rebounds, Clomid works better at telling you nuts to start working on their own again.
The problem here is that many guys want to choose one over the other. Which is stupid because the two synergistically work better when stacked together for a more complete PCT. I have read about Clomid causing some amount of strain of the liver but I would think you are fine at running a medial dose for just 4 weeks as I outlined. Take NACto negate the stress on the liver.
I always recover better when stacking these two during pct.
Very well out together outline! I do have one question, if one completed their pct, how long must they wait until starting their next cycle?
Time on cycle should equal time off (plus PCT)
So, 8 weeks cycle would be equated to 3 weeks pct plus 8 weeks, 11 week?
Sounds good, thanks.
Great info and simply stated – thanks. Question for those including HCG into PCT – in your opinion would you run this concurrently with the clomid and nolva? Or run the HCG first, then on to the clomid/nolva stack?
Back when I used to cylce (I blast and cruise now, being on TRT), I always had the most successful PCT when running the HCG and/or HMG alongside the Nolva/clomid…. I believe this to be the most effective way as its hitting the endocrine system from several different pathways all at the same time.
I’m basing my opinion on my own real world applications and this was most effective protocol that I tried.