Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide is a neuropeptide discovered by the Swiss during the 1970’s. DSIP has been found in various areas throughout the body such as the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands.
This is a really interesting compound which mainly aids in helping treat sleeping disorders. However, its still being studied nearly 40 years after its initial discovery. This is likely because the research keeps supporting way more benefits to other areas of medicine than what was ever expected.
The most common use for DSIP is as a sleep aid which allows for deeper sleep. However, this isn’t some over the counter supplement like melatonin or some worthless herbal tea. This peptide is on a whole other level.
DSIP creates a reaction that induces slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep
The science behind DSIP gets pretty complex. So to understand how this peptides works and what it does, we need to go over the different stages of sleep.
There are 5 different stages of sleep and each one lasting between 5 and 15 minutes. This consists of stages 1,2,3,4 and finally REM sleep.
Stage 1 is the beginning where you drift in and out of sleep and can be easily woken. In stage 2, brain waves will become slower, the heart rate drops, and body temperature decreases as we begin preparing for deep sleep.
The next phase is stage 3. Extremely Slow brain waves called delta waves are released to put our bodies into deep sleep. This is the same stage where people are so deeply asleep that they sleepwalk or talk but don’t even realize it or have any recollection the following morning.
In stage 4 deeper sleep continues as the brain produces heavier output of delta waves. If someone tries to wake you up in stage 4, your going to be disoriented and belligerent. This is also the transition phase in REM sleep. REM sleep is the final stage that induces rapid eye movement and intense dreams.
DSIP allows us to easily enter into Stage 3 sleep, and then easily transition right into stage 4. This is very important because most people suffering from sleeping disorders struggle with immersing into these two phases.
What to expect from using Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide
The main benefits one can expect is the pronounced improvement in sleep quality. Most users report that this compound allows them to fall asleep with ease. But also get deep quality sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
Man folks report having a massive improvement in memory function through out the day. This is likely because the 3rd and 4th stages of sleep is where our brain begins to do the most repair work. This is also the critical when the brains sifts through our experiences through the day and ‘cleans out the hard drive’ to decide what to keep and discard from our memories of that day.
Having the proper quality of sleep allows for proper healing and repair for our brain. This peptide has been shown to allow those suffering from poor sleep to perform cognitive tasks much better.
Also, keep in mind that much of our growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland during sleep. So, one could theorize an increase in GH output and healing due to these deeper sleep patterns.
Other benefits of DSIP that have been found:
- Deceases cortisol levels
- Stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Increases the release of Grow Hormone
- Releasing Hormone (GHRH)
- Normalizes blood pressure
- Studies in mice have suggested that it could have antioxidant effects
- Shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties by reducing tumor sizes in mice
- People with Major depressive disorders where shown to have significantly lower levels of DSIP.
- This suggest that DSIP could help treat depression.
- Experiments suggest that DSIP could be helpful in treating alcohol and opiate dependency.
- DSIP is being researched as a possible treatment for Cushing’s Syndrome.
- Research is being carried out to use DSIP as a treatment for sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy and insomnia.
Side Effects from DSIP
There haven’t been any studies showing negative effects from long term use of this peptide. However, I have not experienced any negatives with it myself when I was able to obtain legitimate DSIP.
One thing that i would like to note Is that I would only advise taking this later in the day. This compound didn’t make me feel lethargic during the day, but it certainly will make you fall asleep fast if your tired or intentionally trying to go to sleep.
Some people report building a tolerance to DSIP after a few months of usage. Therefor, I have found that cycling this peptide for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off to work the best.
How to use Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide
I’ve thrown away a few hundred dollars trying to find the best source for DSIP over the years. I really don’t know why this peptide is so hard to find legit quality on, but it is.

I got lucky a few times with the injectable versions and had great results from one particular source which was Pure Rawz. I tried the vial/inject version from a few other companies. But I didn’t notice any improvements in sleep quality.
CLICK HERE to checkout Pure Rawz and get 10% off by using coupon code: LW10
Enjoying the blog. Let us know about sources!
Will do brother, but quality isn’t easy to pin down on some of these exotic peptides. I’m just waiting for a kickass company to come along and blow me the hell away instead of running for the hills when I ask for testing results.
I tried the DSIP from Optimized Peptides, no results. I have better sleep using 3mg melatonin.
That’s really surprising because I have been using several products by this company, especially DSIP, and have had awesome experiences so far.
Have you emailed optimize peptides about your concerns or are you only planning on addressing your discontent on this public blog?
Any company that sends me product to review agrees that if they want exposure then they get put to the test….And if their shit is bunk I will call it out.
So I’ve reached out to the owners of optimizedpeptides and asked that they send me the order numbers of any transaction which included a sale of DSIP since you emailed me on 3/29 where you asked questions about the company because you claimed that you were interested in making a future order. I would like to match up your order number with their batching to find out more details on what could’ve gone wrong here (as well as to make sure that you’re not a schill for another company attempting to slander the reputation of another brand, because that is extremely common in this industry)
What was your order number that they sent you?
Not trying to be combative, just trying to make sure that what I promote to be legitimate to all consumers other than just what they may be sending to me personally
I haven’t emailed them, as I didn’t run my own testing and have no real evidence that the product was underdosed, but for me it was ineffective. I posted because I figured you and your forum readers would be interested in my results, and as you can see I did not bad mouth this company nor did I offer another source, and I’m not looking for discounts or money back. That said, the batch number on the testing report was P180916-LR055319. Again, i’m not trying to dissuade anyone from using OP, and I may try other products from them, but DSIP did not improve my sleep.
That batch number you mentioned is the in the same HPLC that I posted in the article which anyone can view.
I didn’t ask you for a batch number, I asked for a order number.
Optimized Peptides sent me the screenshots from their fulfillment center that shows the order numbers and states the DSIP was shipped to during the previously mentioned time frame. Apparently DSIP isn’t a big mover because it’s still somewhat of an obscure compound that few people have heard of.
Which, coincidentally, has made the process of elimination fairly simple as to who ordered what because only two DSIP transactions took place during that time frame.
I have those two order numbers and what States they were sent to, and some things here just don’t seem to be making sense.
-I checked the IP Address your transmitting from to try and figure out which order is yours and it doesn’t match any of the states the DSIP went to.
-optimized Peptides sends a 3 digit order number to every customer once an order is placed. Which is what I’m asking from you in order to substantiate your claims so I can hold Optimized Peptides accountable for the products I’m advocating for.
Help me and the readers out here man, we’ve got people who are interested in Optimized Peptides now waiting for some answers before making a purchase because quality Peptides are super hard to find and I owe it to the rest of the readers to have some sort of resolve here.
I can post the screenshots of the 2 order numbers and states here and we can match everything up?????
Or you could tell us what other items you ordered and we could sort it out that way?