Enhance Athlete and Enhanced Chemicals are actually operated under the same company. But Enhanced chemicals offers vials of liquid SARMs that are a little more cost friendly than the capsules. The capsules are much more convenient to dose and transport. But from what I gather, it cost more money to have the raw powders encapsulated. With the liquids, they just suspend the raw powder in some form of alcohol or syrup.
All of the research chemicals came in dark brown glass vials. These vials were made out of very thick glass that I assume isn’t easily broken. And what I liked the most about the Enhanced Chemicals brand was the fact that is didn’t taste like complete shit. Now, I’m not going to bullshit you all and tell you that this stuff tasted ‘good’. But I’ve used liquid Ostarine from another research chemical company and it straight up tasted like battery acid!
At least Enhanced Chemicals put forth the effort of adding in some sucrulose and a little flavoring. This helped negate the chemical taste that usually comes with liquid SARMS. As far as the flavoring goes, I think it was some sort of cherry/bubble gum flavor but I’m not really sure. As you can see in the picture below, the liquid is pink and has a very thick consistency that I would compare to children’s Tylenol.
I have been a long time fan of their liquid Cialis because of how pure it is. And I’m doing this review because I’m sick and tired of seeing other companies bash Enhanced Athlete and Enhanced Chemicals when I know that their products are 100% legit.
This company is at the top of the food chain right now and all the other companies out there are trying to take a stab at the competition by spreading misinformation.
It honestly pisses me off when people in forums mislead consumers into thinking that Enhanced Athlete /Enhanced Chemicals is bunk or fake as a way of plugging their own products. These forum mediators are telling people that Enhanced Athlete’s products only work so well because they are laced with pro-hormones and that there is no way they should be able to sell them at such a reasonable price.
Then ,they tell consumers to go buy their insanely overpriced stuff. Listen guys, I’ve researched the cost associated with these raw compounds and there is absolutely no reason you should ever be paying $100 for a bottle of Ostarine.
I’ve used pro-hormones plenty, and I can tell you without a doubt that they aren’t lacing it into their stuff to make it more effective.
Don’t blindly believe everything you read on the internet because just about everything on the web is based on an agenda.
I picked up several of their products to go over in this review. And I am going to clear the air on this once and all for you guys!
Enhanced Chemicals also offers a slew of research chemicals and not just SARMs. They carry everything from growth hormone peptides, anti-estrogens, PDE-5 inhibitors, and a shitload of other stuff. They are able legally sell it only as ‘research chemicals’ which are labeled not for human consumption.
So, don’t freak out about the ‘not for human consumption’ deal. Thats just the loophole to sell this stuff.
Enhanced Chemicals is no longer in operation. Here are my current approved sources.
CLICK HERE to read my full Amino Asylum review.
Enhanced Chemicals RAD-140 is the most potent SARM I have ever used.
I picked up three containers of Rad-140 to run a lean bulking cycle for about 8 weeks. 1 bottle of Enhanced Athlete Rad-140 Capsules and 2 vials of Enhanced Chemicals liquid Rad-140. I first started by taking 2 capsules a day (20mg) and noticed the effects withing the first week. At the end of the third week, I decided to bump it up to 3 pills a day and saw even more pronounced effects. Soon after bumping up the dosage, I ran out of capsules so had to switch over to the Enhanced Chemicals liquid.
I continued taking 30mg and of the liquid form and continued to see steroid like effects. This proved to me that their liquid research chemicals are just as effective as their capsules. Let me reiterate that the capsules and liquid worked just as good as one another. The only thing that I didn’t like about it was that I would occasionally get heartburn after taking it on an empty stomach. But this would almost immediately go away after I ate food.
I ended up seeing 8 pounds of lean gains after the 8 week cycle was over with. This is by far the most potent SARM that I have used so far and way stronger than Ostarine.
You can CLICK HERE if you want to read my full log of RAD-140.
My Experience with Enhanced Chemicals Cialis (Tadalafil Citrate)
Their Cialis is 100% legit! The first time I used it, I took a really big dose of about 30mg. Which resulted in a bad headache and constant erections for 3 days. I found that the daily dosage for long term health benefits in athletes is only 5 to 8 mg daily. From there on, I have taken 7mg pretty much every day for 3 months with no negative side effects. Only positives.
I like Cialis better than Viagra because it seems to last longer and doesn’t hit you as hard/fast. Therefore, you can take it anytime of the day when running these smaller dosages. Viagra also makes my face feel stuffy like I’m having sinus issues, whereas Cialis doesn’t.
Cialis gives me the most insane pumps when I lift weights. Whatever muscle group I train, maintains volume throughout the day and I look way more vascular. Cialis is fairly cheap when its taken in the 5mg to 10mg bodybuilder dosage.
And its an awesome addition to any SARM, pro-hormone, or gear cycle. Especially when considering its anti-estrogen properties and ability to improve blood pressure.
I never had any issues with erectile dysfunction in my life and that has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to take Cialis. However, I cannot deny the amazing sexual benefits that come along with it. Many people have the common misconception that Cialis will make you get aroused. What Cialis actually does is stimulate blood-flow through the entire body. What this meant for me was that I was able to have sex two or three times in one night while staying rock hard. That area of my body felt way more sensitive and looked full and girthy all day long.
I know my body and dick very well. And I can assure you you guys that none of this was placebo effect. The level of quality that is in their Tadalafil/Cialis is absurdly good and I plan on running a low dose like this year round.
You can CLICK HERE if you want to read my more in-depth article on Cialis

This is bottle of Cialis that I put over a LED flash light.
The MK-2866 (Ostarine) is just as effective as Ostamuscle!
I ran a cycle of Enhanced Athlete Ostamuscle last spring and I absolutely loved it. The quality of Enhanced Chemicals Ostarine is as good as their sister company. Right now I running an 8 week cutting cycle of 30mg a day of their Ostarin (MK-2866) alongside of 15mg a day of their liquid Cardarine (GW-51501). I’ve been running them both for about three weeks now and the fat burning synergy between these two compounds is fantastic. The cardarine produces a huge boost in endurance and helps me push through high intensity cardio for longer and harder.
And the Liquid Ostarine is doing the same exact things that I documented in the Ostamuscle review I did. I’m talking everything from the great body recomp /fat loss to the huge increase in sex drive. THis is an excellent compound if your completly new to Sarms or any other research chemical. CLICK HERE if you want to see my original review of Ostamuscle.
The only problem with Enhanced Athlete is that they’re constantly out of stock on most of their products. Now, some of this is because of the attention they have attracted from FDA. This resulted from several raids along with thousands of dollars of product being confiscated. Enhanced Athlete’s extreme popular and the difficulty of finding pure sources for these compounds is also another huge factor with the shortage of supply.
Thank you! I got my order in yesterday.
cialis and Arimadex….
Glad it helped Casey!
They really do have some great Quality products. Stay tuned though, because I’ve got some stuff in the works with a couple other companies that is going to blow your mind!!!!
After getting scammed by another company, I wanted to go for EnhancedAthletes yet they’ve been out of stock for ages, so I went for EnhancedChemicals but can’t find any good reviews on their site. Any chance to live chat with you via Instagram or something like that ? I need a helping hand, cheers for the info btw. m8.
Email me, I’ll be glad to help in anyway I can.
Zed- it’s legit 3 orders and all arrived in 2-3 days. plus it’s only $30-$40 for most vials. Very low risk. I’ll do a skype or ig chat with you to say the same thing.
I almost didn’t order because of all the bashing in certain forums. They claim bunk products or none at all. Those negative posts are bs. Glad I took the chance with a small order then grow once I trusted them.
Scott- keep us posted about those other companies…
I agree with you 100% about the forum bashing.
The whole reason I started doing these kind of reviews is because I was getting so frustrated by not knowing which companies to trust. Reddit threads are littered with reps from various companies posing as consumers bashing other companies to make themselves look better. Then you’ve got all the misleading stuff that goes on at different forums. At this point, I honestly think that forums might just be the WORST place to try and get information from.
Here is a good example. Since doing my review of ProvenPeptides, I’ve come to develop a pretty good relationship with Josh (the owner). Know before I go any further let me say that there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that their products are 100% legit. They work harder than probably any other company to give customers assurance that they won’t get scammed by publishing 3rd party testing on every single batch of every single chemical on their site and also having a customer support line. I’ve used ALL their shit and the stuff works. Anyway, me and Josh were discussing the problems with the shilling that goes on in the forums and he brought my attention to this Reddit post:
A team member from another company bashing ProvenPeptides to make his company look better, turns out Josh knew exactly who this guy was through previous dealings and called him out in front of the whole world to see.
Guys….I just want folks to buy shit that works and not get scammed. It’s happened to me before and that’s why I thought SARMS were bullshit for many years…well until I started using LEGIT stuff.
Customer service is non-existent! Placed an order and never received or heard anything back! Hit up their FB, support email, etc., however nothing whatsoever! Placed an order on another site and had tracking same day! Enhanced Chemicals is a joke!
This along with being out of stock is something that I’ve been hearing more frequently over the past month.
I’ve heard that Tony recently took a backseat with the company and things haven’t been the same. This is one of the reasons I started doing reviews on other companies that had better customer service like ProvenPeptides.
Sorry to hear about the shitty experience Jeremy.
Yeah huge joke. This “article” was obviously written by someone from EA…could it have been Scott Cavell?? Hope no one falls for this crap.
1. My last name is not Caville, and I’m sure that guy is way too busy getting arrested to take the time to write articles like this
2. I do not work for enhanced athlete. I got the products with my own money and asked them for a discount code to give my readers in case they wanted to make a purchase.
3. If you were intelligent enough to look around on my website before leaving such a asinine comment, you would’ve realized that I have done several reviews on other brands and not just this one. If I work for enhanced athlete, why would I do that?
Make sure you know what you’re talking about before you leave another comment on my website you dingdong.
That dude is probably a rep for another company. I bet it’s Dylan Gimelli.