Trestolone Acetate (7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone) aka MENT, is an extremely powerful steroid discovered in 1963. Trestolone was pretty much abandoned until the 1990s when the Population Council began looking at it as a potential candidate for male birth control and HRT.
MENT induces a state of temporary infertility but has the unique ability to maintain normal biological functions in the complete absence of testosterone. This means that libido, energy levels, and sense of well-being are all maintained when running this compound solo.
This is basically methylated Deca-Nandrolon, which completely changes the parent compounds pharmacology. But it lacks serious hepatotoxic effects because its an injectable compound.
Comparing Trestolone to Testosterone
Trestolone binds to the androgen receptor stronger than testosterone but doesn’t convert to DHT. This means that prostate enlargement will not occur like it does with traditional HRT. Trestolone also doesn’t bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), allowing for the maximum amount of the hormone to bind to the androgen receptors.
This compound has an insane anabolic to androgenic ratio of 2300:650. A 1992 study showing that MENT demonstrated 10 times the myotropic ability of testosterone in mice. I don’t feel that this means the compound is going to build 10 times the muscle as test. But it sure is a whole lot stronger and could be considered an optimized version of testosterone.
Effects on libido and sex drive
The 19-nor family of steroids are notorious for causing sexual dysfunction in males. This is why Nandrolone is commonly associated with terms such as “Deca-dick”. This is where Trestolone is completely different and shares more traits attributed to Testosterone. Especially in male sexual functioning. The alpha-methyl group on carbon 7 prevents it from binding to sex hormone binding globulin. This means sex drive is very high while on cycle…insanely high.
Trestolone is the only steroid that can maintain normal male physiology in the complete absence of testosterone. Many researches will be taken aback by this, but this means that Trestolone can be ran without testosterone as a base hormone. In fact, I believe that Trestolone works better than Test in several regards when ran solo. Especially in regards to libido and sense of well-being.
Trestolone and Estrogen Conversion
One of the few downsides of MENT is its strong estrogen conversion. It actually converts to a particularly nasty estrogen called 7a-methyl-estradiol. This means that use of an aromatase inhibitor is absolutely imperative to keep these side effects at bay. Some folks on forums claim that having Cabergoline or pramipexole on hand just in case is a good idea. However, I have found that using .75 mg of Anastrozol every other day is sufficient as long you aren’t using a insane amount of MENT.
I would actually recommend front loading Anastrozole a few days before taking MENT. I did this and the only estrogen side effect I experienced was a couple random”hot flashes” and some water retention for the first couple of days. This subsided fairly quickly once my body adjusted to the hormone as well as the AI.
The only other real downfall of Trestolone is its heavy HPTA suppression.
Trestolone is 12 times as suppressive as Testosterone but keep in mind that its a male contraceptive candidate. Trestolone significantly lowered both LH and FSH, 90% in just 4 weeks. However, levels returned to baseline post cycle. This means that a fullblown PCT with HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex is an absolute must.
My Honest Experience Using Trestolone
I was always very hesitant to try this compound because of everything I read about the estrogenic side effects. If you go on most forums, there are tons of ‘bros’ claiming that gyno is an absolute certainty and that nothing will ever outshine testosterone.
I personally find MENT/Trestolone to be superior to testosterone and several regards.
Many of the issues can be mitigated as long as you get your estrogen levels in check with the use of an AI like anastrozole. Everyone reacts to various compounds differently, but most of the negative hearsay on this compound is by people who have never tried it.
Trestolone Dosage
I am currently running this for a 10 week cycle dosing at 50mg EOD along with .75mg of Anastrozol EOD. My energy levels are through the roof and my mind feels a bit sharper that when running test. I honestly feel awesome and can’t overstate the positive impact Trestolone has had on my sex drive.
The gains on it are not watery and it kind of feels like a hybrid between Tren and Test. I would absolutely insist on using an acetate ester in this situation. Its never fun pinning ever other day but trust me that the shorter ester will keep side effects more manageable.

Amino Asylum has the highest quality Trestolone I have been able to find thus far.
The brand that I use is Amino Asylum which has some other very impressive products of the higher quality . They sell an acetate ester containing 50mg of Trestolone per ML. HERE is a full review article of their products and quality control.
CLICK HERE to check out their website and use the discount code LW10 to get 10% off anything.

Although it is a wet compound with higher conversion to estrogen it is a great bulking tool.
in reality it is less estrogenic that test, look the studies on it, while more potent a lot more potent, with no effect on various other sites (like mineralocorticosteroid receptors etc)
that’s funny, because often sides occur when hormone lvls fluctuate and typically this occurs when there is no steady release of them aka with short-er esters like acetate
that said, trest gave me ZERO sides (but the increased temprature) and other than that i felt like a fucking god when i used it, i literally did not give a shit about anything negetive no matter what it was, an imbalanced egotistical bitch trying to make unnecessary drama? sure no problem see ya later, an asshole half deragned down the street who fucking cares feeling, basically it’s the best thing i have ever tried, and, i can understand why some people have a hard time going off to such active agents (clerly not a.a.s. create that feeling, trest aromatizes which means more gaba, acetycholine and serotonin, so of course you will be walking god whatsoever)
You really can’t compare, trest is not better just on paper, words are puny to describe the experience. Try it and see for yourself
trest is by far the strongest buiding steroid i have ever taken it dosecd at 50mg everyday i have set personal bests in almost every single lift and fast. I would highly recommend taking it daily to see the absolute luster of this compound. sex drive through the roof and i am only on week 2 of the product. watch your sodium intake and drink plenty of water take an ai as mentioned and you too will see what everyone is talking about. Go for it!