UPDATE:Optim Research is no longer in operation. Here are my current approved sources.
CLICK HERE to read my Amino Asylum review.
CLICK HERE to read my Newsarms article.
We all know that its hard to find trustworthy sources for research chemicals. I’ve recently been on a quest to find the absolute best suppliers of SARMs and other testing supplies. And I couldn’t ignore the constant requests I’ve gotten for reviews on specific brands. Optim Research Chemicals has been one of the most popular names brought up.
I have reached out to several companies to get products of theirs to do unbiased reviews on. And only a few companies have really delivered the goods.
I’m happy to tell you guys that Optim Research Chemicals did not disappoint!
Optim Research first started gaining a lot of attention last year when the Guerilla Chemist posted about their products on his social media. I for one certainly took notice as did the flood of people emailing about doing a review on them.
Optim Research provides pharma grade research chemicals for independent testing. Understand that the items mentioned are not intended for human consumption.
I sent Optim Research an email outlining my intentions to do a review of their products on the condition that they were of good quality. The owner of the company quickly reached out to me and agreed to send me some of their products to try.
Here’s the thing guys. If I’m gonna recommend something, I want to make damn sure that it’s of excellent quality because my reputation is on the line. The owner of Optim Research was very understanding my conditions for recommending a company in one of my reviews. And he seemed extremely confident that I wouldn’t be disappointed.
A couple other things I told him I would need in order to do this was to have certificates of analysis on the products to show you guys. The certificates basically shows that a third party testing facility carried out testing to establish the purity of the compound.
So, without further ado, let’s get into this review…
Packaging and overall first impression
The research liquids came in very thick and durable glass bottles. Each product’s label stated the name of the chemical in addition to the molecular formula identification name at the bottom of the label. Each product came with a tight plastic seal around the rubber dropper. The base of the rubber dropper screws on top of the bottles to act as a seal.
One thing at stood out immediately was the measurement markers printed on the glass of the dropper! This allows researchers to easily measure the amount they intend to use and I have not seen any other company use this. The markers are indicative of fourths of a milliliter.
There are 20 drops in a milliliter so without markers you have to do a little bit of math based on the dosage that you want. This basically makes dosing a hell of a lot easier researchers.
The liquid that these chemicals were suspended in was very transparent and did not have any sediment at the bottom. The sediment issue was a problem I encountered with the Enhanced Chemicals brand. However, I don’t believe that sediment necessarily correlates to a product being bunk.
The transparency in these products is the result of having compounds that are highly refined with the upmost quality. Like I said, these are pharma grade research chemicals for serious testers.
Now, at the time of testing, my goals were aimed towards fat loss and recomposition. I told the owner about the goals and he personally selected the items to send me. I was very surprised at the multitude of items that were sent for review. So here are my personal thoughts on some of those items.
Tadalafil (Cialis)
This is one of my favorite compounds to research and I have experience with several different companies. However, I do not necessarily use it for the same reasons that you may think. This compound provides enhanced blood-flow everywhere , which result in dramatic pumps.
I dont know if previous brands that I used were under-dosed , but Optim Research is by far the most potent I have used thus far. I was so impressed with it that I actually got two bottles.
If you need to know more about the benefits of this compound then CLICK HERE to see my full article on it.
Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Optim’Researh Chemical’s CBD oil was the stand out item for me. This was the first experience I had using CBD and I really didn’t know what to expect. I was blown away at the anti-inflammatory effects that this has! I been doing a really extensive rehab of a duplex that I recently purchased and its a complete rehab. two months of hanging endless amounts of drywall, installing flooring, and building the framework for walls has really taken a tole on my joints.
My elbows had been aching constantly, which has made bicep training very uncomfortable. This CBD completely eliminated my discomfort, while still busting my ass on the rental. My joints felt lubed up and fresh after about a week and a half of use. My understanding is that this is like CBD version 2.0.
This isnt some cheap hemp oil that your gonna get at the local sex shop folks!
This is pharma-grade cannabis oil that contains a huge array of canniboids and terpenes, which have been shown to have amazing health benefits. Even though this product is not psychoactive(doesn’t get you high), the current legal status is in the gray area to say the least. So, I would certainly check to make sure its legal in your state beforehand.
Some of you may be wondering if this CBD oil contains any THC and the answer is ‘very little’. CBD oils typically contain THC levels of only 0.3%. The chances of someone pissing hot on a drug screening are unlikely. I have read of people who take mega doses at 8 to 10 grams daily failing a drug screen. You might want to speak with your employers HR department beforehand if you are susceptible to taking a drug screen.
I purchased a $20 THC testing kit after a full week of using 1,000mg a day and the urine sample that I used did not test positive.
1, 4 Dimethylpentylamine
This is a central nervous system stimulant that was first researched in the 1940s through a compound called Octodrine. My research was performed at dosages between 100mg and 200mg. I found Optim’s 1,4 DMAA to be incredibly effective with no observed side effects. My personal observations were that this works similar to caffeine without the crash but a more pronounced state of mental alertness.
This is a growth hormone secretagogue that work similar to taking exogenous GH. This compound works by stimulating the hunger hormone known as Ghrelin. This means that a common side effect is increased levels of hunger, which could be a god send for hard-gainers. this compound has also been shown to increase IGF-1 levels without affecting cortisol levels.
My personal research resulted in an increase in lean body mass with no increase in body fat. Water intake needs to be increased as well as lowering sodium levels due to temporary water retention. An over the counter water pill with dandelion root can also help researches who want to mitigate this issue. I would suggest testing first thing in the morning in a fasted state because it can affect sleep.
I was very impressed with the quality and saw all the tale tale signs of high quality MK-677 such as tingly hands at night, increased hunger, and deeper sleep.

Certificate of analysis for MK-677
Cardarine and SR-9009
I’ve used Cardarine and SR-9009 stacked together before with great success. And this time was also a success. There is just something about these compounds combined that create a synergistic fat melting powerhouse. This is certainly the highest dosed SR-9009 that I’ve come across, coming in at a whopping 30mg! I felt great the whole time I was running these and had noticeable cardiovascular improvements.
Now, I have read some data on cardarine being able to improve the immune system. While I don’t know if thats true or not, I find it to be an odd coincidence that my whole household got the flu, but I didn’t. It got so damn bad that I had to take my wife to the ER to get put on tamaflu but I stayed healthy as a horse. And I have never had a flu shot in my life. This could all be a lucky coincidence, but there could be something to this.

Certificate of analysis for Cardarine

Certificate of analysis for SR-9009
The quality in this company is unquestionable and they offer many more products. They offer things you aren’t going to find anywhere else, such as desoxy and ment!
Optim Reasearch Chemicals is also pioneering some compounds that are on the cutting edge. One of those items is GC-1 which I am extremely honored to be testing. And I expect to publish a review on this in the next 2 or 3 week.
Are these guys still in business?
Yes and I forwarded your information to Optim
Thank you
Hello Scott, can you reach out to optim for me I have emailed them with that protonmail thing and still haven’t heard from anyone over there. I originally ordered tamoxifen for my research but then emailed them saying I need to cancel that order (number 2092) because turns out I don’t need it…can you help me out man I don’t want to be charged for it and idk if they’re trustworthy like that. I want to use them in the future for my research but right now I don’t need tamoxifen. I don’t know why you deleted my post before about this…thanks bro
I have forwarded your issues to the ownership team at Optim Research. I did not delete your previous comment, I just had yet to approve it.
Optim is still a reliable company but they are experiencing a massive influx of orders as more and more research chemical companies are quickly going away, (Optim and ProvenPeptides are some of the last few left standing) and Newroids being down for a couple of weeks probably made things difficult as well. Hope it helps.
Absolutely understood thank you so much man. I just ordered some lgd 4033 from proven and hopefully I’ll be getting it soon can’t wait…first time researching with SARMs. I wanted to cancel that order 2092 with optim because you say the tamoxifen would be overkill as pct for a lgd only cycle. Rather use eradicate instead when I get there…
Ugh looks like optim charged me and haven’t responded to my emails. Did you reach out to them like you said? Other than that, I received my first bottle of lgd4033 from proven with no problems, and my pet rat told me it didn’t taste nearly as bad as he thought it would lol. I only got 15mL so I def need to get another one for my planned 6-8 week cycle. Then I plan on buying some eradicate or some kind of arimistane kind of product for mini pct. it would be nice to recover that $40 optim charged me for first. Please see if you can help me out man. I am using your website and credentials every time I plan on ordering!
I forwarded it to their team as I said and I can understand your frustration. However, they always make things right….but your gonna have to be a little patient brother.
I’ve pretty much done everything in power here that is in my ability, so just give it another day or two and I’m sure you’ll get taken care of.
The most frustrating part is optim research not emailing me back, but going ahead and charging me for the tamoxifen like I said not to in 3 protonmail emails! I plan on researching lgd at 10mg for 6-8 weeks and you said tamoxifen would be overkill, plus I found out that it wouldn’t get along with one of my medications! Please help
I’ll forward this to Optims ownership team man, but I’ve never heard of them not refunding someone. They have always made things right for their customers.
Thanks for the correspondence Scott it’s appreciated
Your welcome brother.
Optim research so sketch bro. They just fucked me. On the other hand proven has been exceptional
How exactly did Optim ‘F***’ you?
They charged me the $40 man and haven’t delivered anything or emailed me back about refunding my money since I asked them to cancel my order
Can you tell them to just send it to me? I actually need it. But I’ve told them that I would like to cancel the order. But I’m new to this so I just didn’t know. Cuz they clearly don’t know how to answer me. All I want is to speak to someone over there
Sketch is what they are
Man listen, You loading up this comment section to vent your frustration isn’t going result in ME Flying to Optim Research, getting that $40 back for you, and mailing it to you myself. I think everybody on here understands that your purchase did not going to your satisfaction, but if you get on their website the opening page states that they are extremely backed up with orders right now and for all customers to please be patient.
It sounds to me like you decided to make a purchase and changed your mind after the fact and now your perturbed because you were not automatically refunded. I’m here to tell you that a lot of people have had really good experiences with this company and the situation that you are having is the exception and not the norm. Right now you’re leaving several comments on my website per day to vent your frustration after I just told you a couple days ago that I emailed them and for you to please be patient. I have spoken with the ownership team and they Have assured me that you will be taken care of as soon as they can get to it.
In the future please make sure that you are certain of a purchase that you want to make whether it’s something online or someplace as simple as a gas station or Walmart before buying it because it’s not always someone else’s job to rectify situation for you….which in this case I feel that your holding me accountable for this transaction. Again, I have done what I can and am willing to do you have help to you. But at this point, patience needs to be considered on your end because these research chemical companies are somewhat small operations and very few people understand how much trouble they have to go through just to even exist…and if you don’t believe that statement then just watch some YouTube videos from Seth Williams.
Again, I’m not trying to be an asshole and It sucks that your transaction wasn’t immediately resolved after decided you didn’t want it. But give it some time and You WILL get taken of.
If you need to discus this further then send emails to admin@leavingweakness.com