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Amino Asylum Review: Are They Legit?

Sometimes there are companies that reach out to me to work with them. But every once in a while, a company will come along with such innovative products that they’re hard to ignore. What really leaves a lasting impression is when people talk just as much about the quality of their service and customer communication […]

Yk11 Review: Myostatin Inhibitor Sarm

YK11 was discovered in 2011 by Yuichiro Kanno of Toho University. It is a steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (sarm). It is a gene-selective partial agonist of the androgen receptor YK11 is actually a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin inhibits muscle growth. So by inhibiting the inhibitor, YK11 should elicit more pronounced muscle growth and has also […]

Cardarine and How To Use It Safely

Cardarine is not a SARM, even though it constantly gets lumped in with them. This is mainly because its commonly sold on research chemical websites primarily dealing in SARMSs. This is a similar situation to the growth hormone secretagouge MK-677 which often gets miscategorized as well. Cardarine was developed in the 1990s as a drug […]

How To Safely Use Steroids For Beginners

Anabolic steroids have a negative stigma attached to them. And rightly so to a certain extent because they have the potential to cause negative side effects.  Especially if the user doesn’t understand every aspect of what they are putting into their body and the chemical changes that take place. But much of the fault is […]

Cialis For Bodybuilding And Overall Health

Before I started using Cialis, I was under the impression that it was only for men who struggled to get erections. But it has recently been brought to my attention how popular of a performance enhancer this is in the bodybuilding community. Not only that, but the overall health and lifestyle benefits this has for […]

MENT Review: Trestolone Acetate 101

Trestolone Acetate (7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone) aka MENT, is an extremely powerful steroid discovered in 1963. Trestolone was pretty much abandoned until the 1990s when the Population Council began looking at it as a potential candidate for male birth control and HRT. MENT induces a state of temporary infertility but has the unique ability to maintain normal biological functions […]

Crashed Gear and How To Fix It

Over my years on various forums and interacting with gym patrons there seems to be a common misconception about ‘crashed gear’. Some seem to feel that it isn’t a legit product and that it might be bad. There are many perspectives on this, some more true than others. But ultimately one is correct and the […]

Clomid and Nolvadex PCT Protocol

Alright folks. Lets get a couple of things straight about PCT. PCT is an acronym for Post Cycle Therapy.  This is the process that you need to go through following a cycle of steroids or any other anabolic compound. This also includes pro-hormones and SARMs. The entire purpose of PCT is to help  bring your body […]

Arimistane Is Getting Banned

Arimistane was one of the few over-the-counter products that actually worked. I loved the stuff and I have written several articles where I promoted it. But you guys have been sending me emails and messages wondering where to buy  Arimistane products like Eraticate – E now because they’re becoming scarce. Actually, its become almost impossible […]

Dosing Protocols

Today we hear so many viewpoints on dosage recommendations for anabolic steroids, which ones make sense and which are absurd? I want to offer thought to this debate, but ultimately the choice is yours to make after receiving an unbiased opinion. The unbiased opinion: You can achieve miraculous results with

Beginner Sarm Cycles

There is a ton of misinformation floating around about how sarms and other research chemicals should be used. Some of the protocols that “sarm experts” push are downright lies to get you to buy more products from them. So what I want to do here is address some of these myths. Then provide examples of […]

Legal Alternatives To Steroids

Believe it or not, there are legal alternatives to steroids that actually work! This is a review of the best options available right now and what you can expect when taking them. I remember a time when I was seriously struggling to put on any amount of muscle. No matter how much I ate or […]

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