How To Safely Use Steroids For Beginners

Anabolic steroids have a negative stigma attached to them. And rightly so to a certain extent because they have the potential to cause negative side effects.  Especially if the user doesn’t understand every aspect of what they are putting into their body and the chemical changes that take place.

But much of the fault is a result of how our society educates its citizens. You see, most people have the perception that simply taking a hormone will make you a better athlete or a jacked beast. But this is not how it works guys.

The results are still largely dependent on nutrition, your workouts, consistency, and most importantly work ethic. Anabolics help deliver faster results, fill in the genetic gaps, and put you at an overall advantage.

Having said that, there is a way to safe use steroids. But there is also a shit ton of biased information all over the Internet and online forums. We don’t condone the use of steroids but if your going to use ‘gear, here is how to do it safely. And most importantly, have a good experience while avoiding the side effects.

Your First Cycle of Steroids

A beginner steroid cycle needs to be testosterone only. Testosterone is a hormone your body already produces so it’s something that will feel somewhat familiar. This allows you to understand how you react to the hormone.

Starting with just one single compound will make it easier to asses and negate any unwanted side effects. Stacking more than one steroid needs to wait until your second or third cycle. You have to take things gradually, one step at a time. And maintain the mindset that this is a marathon and not a race.

Here is exactly what you will need for your first cycle

Alcohol wipes

22 or 23 Gauge syringes (3CC at a 1 inch)

1 – 2 bottles of 200 to 250mg per ml of testosterone cypionate or enanthate

Arimidex (aka anastrozol)



Dosing Steroids

Most vials of test are dosed between 200 and 250 mg. You don’t want to get anything higher than that because it will contain a higher amount of benzyl alcohol in order for the hormone to absorb into the oil.

Doing this will give you a higher milligram product but it will cause irritation and infection like symptoms. I know some of you will be tempted to buy a 500mg testosterone but trust me when I say it just isn’t worth it. And you’ll likely find yourself dealing with bad post injection pain.

There are several different ‘forms’ of testosterone but they are all essentially the same hormone. The only difference is the esters which are attached to the hormone. An ester is a molecule attached to a compound to control the drugs rate of release and duration. All the different types of testosterone are really the same hormone, but the different esters determine the release within the body.

You will want to get either testosterone cypianate or enanthate as they are both medium esters and are pretty much interchangeable.  This will allow you to only have to inject once per week.

I want to give you a couple of beginner cycle options which are largely based or your priorities and budget.

The first option is the 1 vial steroid cycle which was made famous by johndoebodybuiling.  This is basically a pyramid cycle which only last 8 weeks and will certainly give you decent results for little cash. I have done this cycle before and it certainly works for a beginner. However, I prefer a more traditional cycle with a duration of 12 weeks.

8 weeks just never seemed like it was long enough for me to feel like I got everything I expected. And I just felt like there was way more progress to be made that went unrealized. But like I said, the 1 vial cycle is a good option for a first run.  So here is how you do it..

Option 1- The 1 Vial Cycle

Get one single vial of testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate. you’re going to start your weekly injections with a very conservative dosage. Peak in the middle with 2 CCs and work your way back down. Now, keep in mind that a CC is the same thing a milliliter, so don’t let this confuse you.

OK, here is your dosing schedule for your 8 week cycle.  You will inject once a week for 8 weeks.

Week 1- 1/2CC

Week 2- 1CC

Week 3- 1.5CC

Week 4- 2CC

Week 5-2CC

Week 6- 1.5CC

Week 7- 1CC

Week 8- 1/2CC

This is followed by 4 week pct that will start two weeks after the last injection.

Option 2- Traditional 12 Week Cycle

I like this cycle the best because the dosing is consistent throughout with little hormonal spikes. This is a 12 week cycle that will allow one to make better gains overall. The goal here is to be dosing a total of 500 mg of test weekly.

This is pretty straightforward too. You will inject 2 CCs once per week for the entire 12 week duration and then follow-up with a 4 week PCT.

How to do an Injection

There  are several places to give yourself a shot. But I would suggest either doing it in the butt cheek or the deltoid. It is ideal to do shots in the butt cheek because the gluteus is such a large muscle and can easily handle the oil you’re putting into it. However, I almost always give myself a shot in the delta because its much easier to do it by yourself. Giving yourself a shot in the ass always feels awkward and I never feel like I can ever get a good poke.

A couple of things will need are Alcohol wipes and some 22 Gauge syringes (3CC at 1-1.5 inches). The alcohol is what you will use to clean the surface of your skin and you’ll want to use a separate wipe to clean the outer surface of your vials. Cleanliness and sterilization are probably the most important part of this whole process. The last thing you want to do islet an infection or a cyst.

Its pretty obvious what the syringes are for and I personally think that a 22 gauge is the best for both drawing out your oil and doing the injection. It is extremely important that you dispose of the syringe once you are done with the injection. NEVER EVER RE-USE A FUCKING NEEDLE! YOU WILL GET SICK.

Directly below is a link to a damn near perfect step-by-step instruction on how to safely give yourself an intramuscular injection.

How to prevent Gyno and estrogenic side effects

Aromatase is a chemical reaction that can occur when you have too much testosterone in your body. When testosterone levels get to high the aromatase enzymes in your body start converting the testosterone into estrogen. This is the reason why you hear about bodybuilders getting gynecomastia and teenagers getting bitch tits during puberty.

The testosterone levels are so high that the body just doesn’t know what to do with it, so it converts it over to estrogen. Bodybuilders inject absurd amounts of synthetic testosterone and have to take pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors to mitigate estrogen spikes and gyno.

An aromitase inhibitor like Anastrozole (Arimidex) works by preventing testosterone converting to estrogen. Now, everyone is different and some will be more sensitive to estrogenic side effects than others. Hell, I know one dude how has ran insane amounts of testosterone and never had ANY issues with estrogen. I would suggest that you maintain a ‘better safe than sorry’ mindset and not take chances.

So I would pick up some arimidex (anastrozole) just in case. I personally suggest using at least .5mg every other day of arimidex any time I go over 300mg per week of test just to be safe. You can get Arimidex (anastrozole) HERE

The Importance of PCT

PCT is an acronym for Post Cycle Therapy.  This is the process that you need to go through following a cycle of steroids or any other anabolic compound. The entire purpose of PCT is to help bring your body back to homeostasis by restoring your natural testosterone production.

Anytime you run a cycle, you give your body a huge burst of exogenous hormones.  the body reacts to the synthetic hormones you give it by temporarily suppressing its own natural production. It doesn’t need to produce anything because your providing it with whatever compound you taking.  Unless you plan on being on gear th  entire rest of your life, then PCT is a must.

There are several different compounds that can be ran for PCT. But the two most common are Nolvadex  and Clomid.

Clomid (aka Clomiphene) is a  SERM ,or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator and is used to treat infertility in women by stimulating ovulation. But it is also used for men who have hypogonadism.  There is a whole process involved in the body that gets pretty complex but it basically tells your balls to start working on their own again.

Nolvadex (aka Tomoxifen) is also a SERM that was created as breast cancer medication. This compound basically helps keep estrogen rebounds at bay once you come off cycle.


I’m going to tell you guys what I do based on works for me.

If I’m coming of a cycle of testosterone, I’m not going to start my PCT until the test is out of my system. So this is going to be based on the ester that you are using and how long its half-life is.

For example , Testosterone cypionate has a half-life  between 8 and 12 days. This means that it takes about two weeks before the drug is out of your system. Therefore, I will wait about two weeks after the last injection to start pct.  This is because your body will have a harder time recovering if the synthetic hormone is still in your system.

Here is how I do them together for a 4 week PCT following a test only cycle. But keep in mind that everyone is different and may require more , or less:

Week  1

Clomid 50 mg per day

Nolvadex  40 mg per day

Week  2

Clomid 50 mg per day

Nolvadex  40 mg per day

Week  3

Clomid 25 mg per day

Nolvadex  20 mg per day

Week  4

Clomid 25 mg per day

Nolvadex  20 mg per day

Anyone who isn’t willing to invest the time or money in PCT, really shouldn’t be fucking with performance enhancers at all.

PCT is an absolute must you want to keep the results of all your hard work and don’t want to feel like crap after your cycle is over.

You can get these items from research chemical companies online. But these research chemicals are not supposed be used on human beings and you can only use them on your 200 pound pet lab rat!

AMINO ASYLUM provides pharma grade PCT research compounds like what I mentioned. And my coupon code LW10  will save you 10% off everything on their site!

How long before your next cycle of steroids?

After you do your first cycle of steroids, you’re going to want to get back on cycle. There is a certain “on” feeling that you have that you’re going to want after you come off. Don’t be one of these idiots who assumes they’re just gonna run one cycle of steroids and that’ll be it. Because it never works out like that.

You’re going to have a burning desire get back on the sauce very soon after you complete your PCT. It is very important to allow yourself to have proper time completely off of anything before you start using. The rule of thumb is that time on plus PCT should equal the amount of time that you stay off.

So if you run an eight week cycle and then a four-week PCT, you need to be completely off the steroids for a total of 12 weeks before using them again. The reason behind this is that running cycles back to back, with insufficient amount of time off will result in less overall gains over time. Your body needs time to adjust back to normality or it will get used to what you’re doing. Plus, insufficient amount of time off will not allow your endocrine system to recover where it will function properly.

The last thing you want is to have to take a shit for the rest your life because you fucked up your body’s Natural testosterone production. Again, this is a marathon and not a sprint. And the whole point of doing this is to be safe and have a good time. Not fucking yourself up.

Final thoughts and a fair warning

The other thing to consider before dabbling in steroids is that they are illegal in most countries. So understand that if the law catches you with this stuff, you could face jail time. I don’t mean to scare you but it is a real possibility.

And I’m not going to give sources on where you can purchase steroids. Buying drugs is illegal and at the end of the day that’s your responsibility find a source if you choose to go down this path. Our sole purpose here was to educate and inform you how to do things. Because at the end of the day the decision is yours and we just want to help you not fuck yourself up.


1 Comment

  1. Toby Madrigal

    Simply not worth it. My experience of two guys:
    One did steroids. Yes, got big. However, his girlfriend had to play with him for half an hour plus and he never really had a hard erection. He was 25. Another guy had spent a lot of time in gaol. Did body weight training and at 55 was very impressive. Would never countenance steroids. Said they “blow your liver”.
    My research indicates food and vitamins based approach. It works for me and I’m 71, most women believe me when I say I’m 46 ( cos’I look it!) .

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