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Ostamuscle Review: Is Enhanced Athlete Legit?

If you look back at some of my previous articles, you’ll see that I’ve been highly critical of SARMs.  My main issue has always been over the quality of the product and whether what is being sold is actually SARMs and not left over stock of now  banned designer steroids.  I’ve actually used ostarine on three occasions  from multiple companies and never really seemed to get anything out of it.

After I published my article on SARMs vs Prohormones, I received multiple messages saying that I should look into Enhanced Athlete’s products before I completely write off SARMs all together. I found out that Enhanced Athlete has each batch third-party tested to prove the purity of each product.  Me and my workout partner decided to give SARMs one last shot and see if enhanced athlete is actually legit.
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Mega Test Review

Let me start off by saying that I have always been impressed by primeval labs.

They really excel in taking proven supplements to the next level with clinical dosing and transparent labeling.  Most of their products are just outstanding. However, I honestly thought that Mega Test kinda Continue reading

Sarms vs prohormones


Sarms are not a supplement.

Sarms are pharmaceutical compounds intended to become a prescription drug but never made it past the research phase of development. Somehow supplement companies started selling these compounds to athletes and bodybuilders. There is also a lack of people’s understanding of what Sarms are and how they work. Continue reading

Why you should start an online business

We’re in the midst of a gold rush right now and anybody can dig for riches if they want to. Millions of people have found freedom from the 9 to 5 by creating an online business based around themselves. The whole world now possesses smart phones with more computing power than the spaceship that landed astronauts on the moon. This has enabled business owners, entrepreneurs, and bloggers to promote themselves in a way that was never before imaged. Continue reading

The Truth About Affiliate Marketing

I’ll make this real easy if you don’t know what affiliate marketing is. If I recommend a product or service and you buy it, then I get a commission.

The concept is very easy but it can be a little tricky to  be successful at it. There is most defiantly a right way and a wrong way to do this. I’m going to fill you in on how to do it right so you can easily make passive income for a long time.  Especially if you are doing this on a blogging or information based sharing platform like YouTube…. Continue reading


They say that you cant live your life with regret but there’s no doubt that most of us have things we would change if given the opportunity.  The world doesn’t care if your successful or not and it doesn’t owe you anything.  So, its easy to fail if you aren’t aware of the right steps to take in life.

Next to puberty, young adult hood was the most confusing time of my life. I was now a man but didn’t know shit from Shinolah and made a ton of mistakes along the way. If I could write an advice filled letter to my younger self, it would go something like this…

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Bourbon Infusions For A Bad Ass DIY gift

Bourbon Infusions may be one of the most manly, yet classy gifts that you can give. With under $40 and 10 minutes of your time, you can have a DIY gift thats both personable and thoughtful. I am originally from Kentucky and as you may know, Bourbon is a huge part of the states heritage. These simple little gifts were very common around holidays at family get togethers. The infusion that Im going to show you is called ‘Bourbon Apple Pie’ and it tastes amazing. Continue reading

Best type of creatine and which one to never use


Creatine monohydrate is the most researched workout supplement in history.

In fact, creatine supplementation has been studied for over 80 years! Small amounts of it can be found in meat and it can also be produced in the liver and kidneys from amino acids. It is a substance that is naturally found in our bodies and over 90%  is found in our muscles.

Creatine monohydrate (CM) is the most cost-effective dietary supplement in terms of muscle mass and strength gains. It can help support protein synthesis, which helps muscles grow.

Many factors can be improved with the supplementation of CM such as increased physical power and athletic edge. It is also improves function of the ATP energy system and can help burn fat as well as increase muscle mass.

Creatine monohydrate is a tried and true supplement that has tons of data to back up its effectiveness. Yet, every few years, a supplement company comes out with a more advanced and “better” version of this supplement. Many supplement companies pay for testing on new supplements that the just happens to own the patients for. Then the often skew the data in order to market their new product as a more supperior supplement. Continue reading

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