I very recently underwent surgery to repair an inguinal hernia. This resulted in a 4 inch wide incision on my waistline and a very, very sore abdominal area. So, I thought ahead and did plenty of research to create a stack of both supplements and research chemicals to optimize my bodies healing abilities to result in faster recovery. This article will document everything I took during the process and the reasoning behind my taking it. I sincerely hope this information can prove helpful to you down the road.
Healing Peptides
I injected an entire vial of this but split it up into a several smaller shots around the perimeter of the surgery area. I then used the nasal spray version two times per day to maintain the peptide in my system. This amazing compound basically makes most tissues in the body heal faster and better. TB500 is a synthetic peptide of a naturally occurring protein in the body called thymosin beta-4. Thymosin beta-4 promotes healing by stimulating growth of new blood cells and muscle tissue. TB500 basically causes Thymosin beta-4 to accumulate in higher concentrations where tissue has been damaged. Animal experiments have shown that TB500 promotes migration/survival of cells, formation of blood vessels, and lowering of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Since this is a more systematic peptide, I injected 1mg each week subQ. However I relied much more heavily on the nasal spray version by snorting up each nostril three times daily.
BPC-157 is a peptide that helps to repair tissue and to protect it from further damage and is able to speed up wound and tissue healing, repair and grow new blood vessels, repair the gastrointestinal tract, protect internal organs such as the liver from toxic damage, and to prevent damage of neurons and other cells of the brain.
BPC-157 has great potential in supporting systemic healing and in speeding up recovery processes. This peptide has been confirmed to promote rapid healing of damage to skin, soft tissue including tendons, ligaments and muscle fiber, and intestinal/internal tissue. In addition, BPC-157 supports the formation of blood vessels, especially after injury, to optimally support tissue and muscle with oxygen and nutrients.
Antioxidants and PDE5 Inhibitors for Recovery
GLUTATHIONE SPRAY: Anti-inflammatory properties & supports immune health
I used the nasal spray version of this twice daily with one snort up each nostril in the am and again at night. Glutathione Is a naturally occurring antioxidant that is found in a reduced state in the human body. L-glutathione also assists in the transportation of amino acids through the cell membranes and is a necessary chemical in the human body.
- Anti-inflammatory properties & supports immune health
- Promotes liver health & keeps glucose levels in check
- Boost athletic performance
- Repairs oxidative stress
- Promote heart & cardiovascular health
CIALIS (aka Tadalifil) : Increased blood flow
I utilized 15mg daily of Cialis about 3 days post surgery once I was completely certain I wouldnt have any issues with internal bleeding or sutures popping open. Cialis is a PDE5 inhibitor which is often used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and issues with poor blood flow and works when a man is sexually aroused because it relies on the natural release of nitric oxide. It lasts for around 36 hours compared with only 4 to 5 hours for Viagra.
Cialis can be used daily at a smaller dosage to bring out many other huge health benefits for active men. This results in improved blood flow everywhere, from your dick to your brain. Cialis massively improves blood circulation which means maximum nutrient transportation throughout the body which equates to overall better health and in my situation better healing from an optimized blood supply to areas that need to be healed.

TB500, BPC157, Glutathion Spray, and Cialis can all be obtained from Amino Asylum. Click Here to read my full review of that company and use code LW20 to get 20% off.
Increased Growth Hormone for Healing
MK-677: Increased Growth Hormone Output
MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that works by signaling the pituitary gland to release more of its natural growth hormone. After MK 677 is consumed, it signals the pituitary gland to release several strong growth hormone pulses throughout the day. This results in the liver producing IGF-1. Depending on the dosage used, blood work has shown this compound to be very similar to taking between 3 and 8 IUs pharmacy grade growth hormone.
MK-677 doesn’t desensitize a pituitary gland like all the other peptides out on the market and it doesn’t have to be injected. It is is the most cost effective option when it comes to researching with GH and other secretagouges. I took 25mg of this each night.
3rd party tested MK-677 and other SARMs can be obtained from CHEMYO. Click Here to read my full review of that company and use code LEAVINGWEAKNESS10 for 10% off.
Treating Opioid Constipation
Cascara Sagrada: Powerful laxative to combat constipation from prescription opioids
With major surgery comes the prescription of painkillers. And opioids cause serious constipation issues that can results in horrible discomfort from the inability to pass a bowel movement. Opioid drugs affect the Mucosal secretions which has a negative impact on lubrication and passing stool. But they also affect mu receptors in the GI tract and causes the muscles to slow down and stop contracting. This leads to stool remaining in the gastrointestinal tract instead of leaving the body.
Cascara Sagrada is no joke and is the most powerful laxative I’ve ever used. If you can’t take a dump, this will take care of that issue for sure. Cascara Sagrada has been used for hundreds of years to help with constipation and digestion and acts as a laxative and help relieve constipation.
Immune Boosters
NAC: Immune booster and antioxidant
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine is a non-essential amino acid used for detoxification. N-Acetyl L-Cysteine has a wide range of health benefits and and is a free radical scavenging compound (antioxidant) that also helps to maintain normal, balanced immune system function. NAC may support the kidneys, liver, and lungs and promote healthy immune function. It may also contribute to healthy skin and support sexual health and brain function, as well as promote a healthy mood. I took 600mg of this, 3 times daily.
Anti-Inflammatory supplements
Curcumin aka Turmeric Extract: Anti-Inflamitory
Curcumin is an Adaptogen that helps your body metabolize stress and is the active ingredient in the ancient spice turmeric.Curcumin is a very strong natural anti-inflammatory with the ability to relieve pain. And studies have suggested that curcumin is more potent as an anti-inflammatory than ibuprofen and aspirin. These studies have shown that dosages of around 500 mg of turmeric taken twice daily offers significant health benefits.
- Fights many different inflammations
- Aids in digestion
- Supports the joints and improves symptoms of arthritis
- Boosts serotonin and dopamine & contributes to better sleep
Enhanced Nutrition and Wound Healing
Spirulina: Enhanced nutritional intake
I eat a ton of this stuff everyday and basically just double my consumption. Spirulina is a type of blue-green microalgae (spirulina) that is one of the oldest forms of life on the planet and is often considered a super-food. NASA even investigated using it as an emergency food source for astronauts due to its extremely high nutrient profile. It is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and more. And it contains 19 of the 22 amino acids the body needs. Spirulina is rich in antioxidants and has natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is extremely nutrient-rich and loaded with vitamins & minerals.
High Dose Vitamin C: Wound Healing
Vitamin C is involved in all phases of wound healing. In the inflammatory phase it is required for neutrophil apoptosis and clearance. During the proliferative phase, Vitamin C contributes towards synthesis, maturation, secretion and degradation of collagen. Deficiencies affect the maturation phase by altering collagen production and scar formation. The body strives to maintain homeostasis of Vitamin C, thereby ensuring availability for collagen synthesis. After wounding, plasma and tissue levels of Vitamin C diminish and supplements may be needed for healing. I read research suggesting 1000mg to 2000mg was a sufficient daily dose to optimize wound healing.
My #1 source for Supplements is BulkSupplements.com who have over 500 different items in stock in an FDA registered and GMP certified facility. Use code LW12 for 12% off anything on their site.

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