Ok guys. Let me start this review off by saying that Rad-140 is the strongest sarm that I have used so far. I absolutely love this stuff! If I could compare it to other compounds, I would say it is like a hybrid between a high dose of Anavar mixed with a little bit of Testosterone. And I’ve even seen some people say its similar to primobolan. However, I really cant vouch for that because I’ve never ran Primobolan.
Back when I ran Ostarine, my goals were more aligned towards fat-loss with a little muscle gain. And my calorie intake was maintained at a base line because I was shooting for a body re-composition. And I really think that is where ostarine shines.
But, I am at a stage now where I am trying to pack on some serious muscle without having to use real gear. I did some research and found out that Rad-140 is considered the next step in the evolution of anabolic compounds.
What is RAD-140?
Rad 140, or Testolone, was originally developed by pharmaceutical company Radius Health as a replacement drug for Testosterone. Its a common misconception that steroids are only used by body builders to get jacked. They are actually used in medicine for treating many issues such as osteoporosis, treating burn victims, AIDS, and even Cancer.
But the problem with this is that hormones like testosterone often come with several unwanted side effects that the patients may not tolerate very well. In short, drug companies created sarms to give people the therapeutic benefits of steroids without the harsh side effects.
Rad-140 Anabolic Ratio
Rad-140 was developed to be exclusively anabolic with limited androgenic effects. This means that this sarm works only to build muscle tissue without the intended hormonal impacts of pro-hormones and steroids. Having said all this, Rad-140 is really, really strong. Just look at it’s anabolic ratio compared to other compounds.
RAD 140 Dosage and Cycle length
I picked up 2 bottles of Rad140 to run a lean bulking cycle for about 8 weeks. I got two vials of Chemyo RAD140.
Capsules are much more convenient to dose and transport. But from what I gather, it cost much more money to have the raw powders encapsulated. With the liquids, they just suspend the raw powder in a food grade solvent.
The liquid Rad140 came in a dark brown glass vial that was made out of very thick glass that I assume isn’t easily broken. The droppers used to administer the liquid featured measurement markers printed on the glass. This made dosing much more convenient than with other brands I had used in the past.
Now, I’m not going to bullshit you guys. This stuff straight up tasted like battery acid! This was is due to the carrier liquid the compound is suspended in PEG400. But that is a fair price to pay for some badass gains if you ask me.
RAD140 Half-Life
Many of you may be wondering how long Rad140 stays in your system or how long until it kicks in. Rad140 (Testolone) has a half-life of 20 hours. This means that this sarm only needs to be taken once a day.
I’ve read that the sweet spot for this was between 20mg and 30mg. So, I dosed this stuff at 20mg the first three weeks that I was using it. The results I got from Ostarine took a few weeks to gradually start kicking in but this shit was completely different.
At the end of the first week of being on Rad140, I noticed several things starting to happen. I started to feel stronger and could bang out several more reps than normal before hitting failure. I noticed that my blood veins near the surface of my skin were much more noticeable through out the day. And the vascularity during workouts looked kick ass.
There were some unusual side effects that I noticed early on. At the beginning of my second week, I started to experience some pretty severe lethargy. I straight up felt exhausted towards the end of the day and could have easily taken a nap everyday after I got off from work.
What was strange about this was that it only lasted about a week. It was kind of like the lethargy that I experienced from 1-Andro but it just didn’t last as long. After that second week of feeling like crap every night, it just kind of stopped.

Chemyo Rad140 along with their most recent 3rd party testing results that I use for my own personal research
Rad-140 Testosterone Suppressesion
By the time the third week rolled around, I was popping boners like crazy. My sex drive was definitely higher than normal but it took me longer to shoot my load than normal.
I didn’t have blood work done but here is my theory on the lethargy and the increased sex drive:
Since RAD-140 was created as a replacement for testosterone, the lethargy could have been from my body suppressing it’s natural testosterone. Then, my endocrine system relying on the Rad-140 as an alternative to the testosterone. Which could explain how the lethargy just went away and my sex drive went nuts. Again, just my theory.
Rad-140 does not convert to estrogen. But I threw in 50mg a day of arimistane in week 3 just to help maintain my libido. You can learn more about Arimistane by CLICKING HERE.
Let me reiterate this again because I don’t want it to get misconstrued. I was horny as hell but I had to fuck longer than normal before I could ejaculate. Now, this probably sounds fantastic to folks that like to screw all night or have a partner with a large sexual appetite. Personally, I thought it was great!
What results to expect from using RAD-140: Side Effects and benefits
I decided to bump up the dosage to 30mg during the fourth week. And that is where the results really started to kick in! The body re-composition effect you get in the upper dosing of this stuff is incredible. I honestly felt like I was running a lighter cycle of test without the water retention.
I saw extremely noticeable gains in my shoulders and upper body. And It seemed like I could almost get a pump just by flexing for a while. I was eating at a few hundred calories above my base line and felt like I was actually getting a little leaner.
This is hands down the strongest sarm I have ever used and is best described as a middle point between Ostarine and Testosterone. However, I feel like this is a compound that is best ran in longer periods between 6 and 12 weeks in order to realize its full potential. I personally gained 8 lean pounds over an 8 week period and plan on running this again in about 6 months.
I really didn’t notice any negative side effects from RAD140! However, I took extra precaution to run an extensive PCT after the cycle was over.
PCT for RAD140
Its up in the air as to how extensive post cycle therapy needs to be for this compound. Some people say that RAD-140 is less forgiving than other SARMs and requires a full blown PCT like nolvadex. Others say its not that suppressive at all. I ran a 4 week PCT that consisted of 100mg of arimistane, 600mg of Ashwagandha, and a over the counter test Booster. Using this protocol everyday was plenty for me to recover, but everyone is different.
I have been using edgy supplements like this long enough to know that anything that actually works will eventually get banned. And I think it is only a matter of time before this shit gets put on the list. So, if your thinking about running Rad140, I wouldn’t wait too long.
Chemyo Rad140 Review
If your looking for liquid sarms, then CHEMYO is the company you want to take a look at. They’ve been around forever and have a great reputation for having great consistency with product quality and service. Additionally, They also post all their 3rd party testing results on each product page so you know that what your getting is actually real.
You can get 10% off any of their items by using the discount code: LEAVINGWEAKNESS
Here is my detailed product review and unboxing video on Chemyo so you can see their quality for yourself:
Thanks for taking the time to write all this, it was very helpful! If I have an ectomorph body type (I weight about 144), what should my dose be?
Dimitri, I’m glad this information helped. With your body type and weight, I would really suggest starting at about 15 mg. Give it about 10 days at that dosage and see how you feel. If you start noticing gains in muscle mass then that might be the sweet spot for you. But after 10 days if you’re not seeing the results that you would like, bump it up to 20 mg. I weigh 222 pounds and I’m 6’4 and I started at 20 mg and then bumped it up to 30 during my second week. As mentioned in the article 30 mg was definitely the high-end for me and I could literally feel being on the stuff.
I’m looking into running MK677/140/4033
I’m 6’1, current weight 225-230… I’ve ran some 677 from Olympus labs, not really feeling the tingle in the hands, appetite increase and the deep sleep lol… just don’t want to get burned so many sources out there and not sure who to go to. Hopefully will get a direct email/ reply. Will be a repeat customer and also bring a few other customers to the table, legit dependent. Thanks
Huston, below is a link to a review I just did that you need to check out ASAP!
I have a feeling that this is what your needing. This was the first time I used mk677 and it made me hungry as fuck and my hands started to tingle and swell up a little. I also felt like I could sleep forever. And I fully understand where your coming from on getting burned, I used Ostarine on three different occasions from different supplement companies and it never did anything for me. I literally thought that sarms were hyped up bullshit until I finally got my hands on the real stuff which started out with EA and has now progressed to other companies like provenpeptides.
I also got your email, and I’ll help you out on those cycle details.
Thanks for the article – great stuff. I started taking Ostarine at really small mg dosages and immediately experienced side effects – dizziness throughout the day, some nausea as well. I got it from a reputable source, choicecompounds.. First time trying anything like this so maybe my body didn’t take it well. I’ve heard it can cause headaches, etc.. at some point, but I didn’t think it would be at really small clinical dosages. Should I try something else other than Ostarine, or would something like Rad140 be way too much if Ostarine doesn’t sit well with me? Love to hear your thoughts.. Really just looking to body- recomp, maybe mk-667 since it isn’t actually a sarm?
I’ll be honest, I have never heard of that company that you mentioned.
I wil tell you that headaches are a very common(but temporary) side effect with Ostarine. I get fleeting headaches for about three day every time I take it, but it always goes away. I have not heard of the dizziness issue before though…
You may want to look at taking something with a completely different chemical structure like The MK-677. Then stack that with a completely different sarm.
RAD-140 is the best SARM I have ever used but it is incredibly potent. Use that, you might want to start off at a lighter dosage like 10 to 15 mg and just see how you do with that. I can tell you from my own experience that a higher dosage of rad makes me feel irritable every now and again and I also get a little bit of lethargy in the beginning. Other than that, I absolutely love the stuff.
You might want to also look into LGD-4033, as a lot of folks really enjoy it more than Ostarine.
But yes, the MK would be a fine choice. There’s a link to the article for the company that I’ve been researching with. It is the best quality source that I have found so far.
Thanks a lot for the feedback here, I’ve heard of proven peptides I’ll look deeper into that. I’m really just trying to get a body recomp so LGD in a calorie deficit might do the trick. Andarine could as well but I don’t want to deal with vision issues, (although I don’t drive b/c I live in a city), so it might not matter. I’ll do some more digging, thanks again!
LGD would be better for a bulk. RAD-140 at the dosage I mentioned would be more well paired with cardarine would be well suited for an effective recomp. Good luck!
Thanks Scott- really quickly, I was curious what your thoughts are on the difference between running rad and cardarine like you mentioned or an anavar only cycle?
I personally would not bother with Anavar.
One of the most commonly faked steroids is Anavar aka oxandrolone. It is a weak anabolic which doesn’t provide dramatic results. Anavar is commonly counterfeited because of money. Real Anavar is expensive to synthesize and can cost up to $10,000 a kilo and can cost up to $10 per pill if purchased from a pharmacy. So when you think you’re buying Anavar at $1/pill, think again.
I would instead suggest running RAD-140 (20mg) and pairing it with Cardarine(10mg twice per day) for an amazing recomp cycle.
Thanks man, appreciate the feedback, i’ll check out proven peptides for those products and let you know how it goes!
Awesome. And if you decide to buy from them you can use my discount code to get 10% off.
The coupon is: leaveweakness
Scott, I know they say for 18 year olds to not mess with any test stuff, I’ve been working out for a year, would RAD140, hurt my test level and production in the future at this age, even if I did a proper PCT? Def gonna buy to have for the future before it gets banned but wanna know if I could cycle it now or not and your thoughts?
As an 18 year old, you could buy it and hold on to it and maybe a few other SARMs for future use. But I wouldn’t take it just ye bud.
Your 18 and your natural testosterone levels should be through the damn roof and I would be taking adavantage that right now man. Consistently lift hard and eat a shitload of of clean food. Then in a few years start using enhancers because they will work even better with a solid base that you built naturally.
Is this something you would recommend an 18 year old use, if using a proper PCT after the cycle?
Yeah creatine monohydrate for sure. You could also look into MK-677 because it doesn’t affect natural testosterone production and will give results right on par with GH. Check this out:
You should check out this article on thebioop.com
Did you find anything to mix it with or wash it down with that worked well? I just started taking mine and it definitely tastes like battery acid and lights my mouth on fire if I don’t get it down quick followed up with water or something.
Juice, diet soda, and Gatorade all seem to kill the fast fairly quickly
Where can I buy RAD140 legally in the United States??? First time user🥴. Also, can I just use RAD140 by itself and no other stuff???
The only supplements I have ever used are creatine and whey.
I’d appreciate any advice. I’m past the age of worrying about any side effects 😊
The best source is ProvenPeptides
This coupon code will save you 10% off your order: leaveweakness
This will require a PCT that consists of either Nolvadex or a strong over the counter product with Arimistane in it.
Anyone bought capsule rad they know is legit? What’s that taste like? I’m tryna figure out if mine is legit or not.
The only legit capsule company I know of is Newroids
Hi I have ordered Rad 140 from provenpeptides and I received it but I am confused on how much to draw into the eye droplet thing? It is in ml and I am not sure how to dose it probably. I would like to start off with 20 mg for the first 2 weeks then bump it up to 30 mg but I am confused on how much to draw into the eye droplet for the correct mg dosage?
If your bottle says 15mg per ml, that means that 1 full dropper would be equivalent to 15mg worth of RAD140. So essentially, taking 2 full droppers would be 30mgs.
I have taken mk2866 but rad140 blows it away. On week 6 currently. Shoulders and chest blew up. Pumps come almost instantly. Hands down best supplement i have taken. I am doing 12-15mg a day. If i run the 12 weeks then pct when can i start it up again?
Yes, RAD140 is certainly king of sarms in my book. I would suggest taking off the same amount of time you were on cycle before starting back up.
42 years old and over weight. I’m currently following a slightly altered version of the vertical diet and going to the gym on average 4 times a week. Currently weigh 280lbs. Just purchased RAD 140 and started 2 days ago. Any other suggestions that might speed up results. Looking to lose weight and build leaner muscle.
Adding GW501516 will certainly ramp up the fat burning. Also, consuming a gallon of water per day and eating lots of fiber also help from over eating on a diet…. make sure your also tracking those calories with an app like myfitnesspal to help stay on target
Thanks for the info Scott. Have you ever talked with anyone that ordered SARMS from Rats Army? A guy at the gym suggested ordering from them but I would like hear from a few more that have ordered from them.
So any cancer or tumours or blindness yet?
There has not been any negative issues like that reported in any published studies.