Tag: Prohormones

MSten Prohormone Is Back

Methylstenbolone, known by the nicknames M-Sten, is an orally active designer steroid. Chemically, it is a 17α-methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

It was never introduced for medical use but was wildly popular among internet retailers falsely marketing it as a supplement. It was brought out post 2012 ban and released initially under the trade name “Ultradrol.” Ultradrol was 4mg a capsule with 8mg being considered high. I would say 20mg is the limit most people would want to consider researching.

Real world application wise, it’s very good compound. And it is close to superdrol with the only difference in the two is a double bond at the 1 position! There is a slight bit of water retention but not as much as superdrol. Also, M-Sten never felt toxic to me, nor came with the very common lethargy of Superdrol.

It’s been a VERY long time since I played with this but I remember it being a good compound and seeing excellent strength and vascularity after exceeding 10mg. Methylstenbolone doesn’t stimulate the progesterone receptor or convert to an estrogenic metabolite when synthesized by the body.

I think M-sten got overshadowed by many other more harsh compounds back in the day. Mainly, because many didn’t utilize an effective dosage or had a negative experience because they purchased a product which was multi-compound stack as most reported cases of bad sides came from products that contained DMZ as an added compound.

MSTEN has recently made a comeback from a few research chemical companies. One of those companies happens to be our good friends at Amino Asylum.

CLICK HERE to see their M-Sten Products and get 20% off with the following discount code: LW20

CLICK HERE to see other review on Amino Asylums product that I’ve written.

Legal Alternatives To Steroids

Believe it or not, there are legal alternatives to steroids that actually work! This is a review of the best options available right now and what you can expect when taking them.

I remember a time when I was seriously struggling to put on any amount of muscle. No matter how much I ate or how long I was in the gym, I just couldn’t grow. All of my “newbie gains” had become old news. I wasted so much time looking at magazine adds promising to deliver all the muscle growth you could ever imagine.
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Sarms vs prohormones


Sarms are not a supplement.

Sarms are pharmaceutical compounds intended to become a prescription drug but never made it past the research phase of development. Somehow supplement companies started selling these compounds to athletes and bodybuilders. There is also a lack of people’s understanding of what Sarms are and how they work. Continue reading

Ostarine Safety

I want to shed some light on some potential safety concerns in regards to Ostarine. Ostarine is a compound that is being marketed as the safe alternative to taking steroids. However, there is one very important aspect that is not being told to consumers.

Ostarine, or mk-2886, is what is known as a selective androgen receptor modulator. It is a pharmaceutical compound that will more than likely one day become a prescription drug. However, it is still in the  research phase and available as a research chemical. It was originaly created to treat muscle wasting diseases and osteoporosis. Continue reading

How To Use Prohormones

Making the decision to run a cycle of prohormones is a big step to take in reaching your fitness goals. There are a lot of protocols you have to understand before you get started. Understanding, the chemistry that can also become overwhelming if your new performance enhancers. I’m going to give you the information that takes years to understand and is usually learned through trial and error. We will go over what compounds are to be taken to achieve specific goals and cycle durations. We’ll discus side effects, how to stack compounds together, and many other things to give you better insight.  Continue reading

Prohormone Guide

This is a prohormone guide that was written as a way to inform you of all the things I spent years learning about prohormones.  I’m going to tell you all the the things I wish someone would have told me, rather than doing countless hours of research.

The second part of this article will discuss more in depth knowledge on the subject and how to safely us prohormones. Click here for HOW TO USE PROHORMONES


What is a prohormone?

A prohormone is a precursor to active a HORMONE. Once ingested, the prohormones have to go through a conversion process in your body in order to become the hormone.

A designer steroid is converted into a STEROID once you ingest it and does not go though a conversion process. Unfortunately,these compounds were pretty toxic to your organs because they had to be methylated in order for your body to absorb them, as most steroids have to be injected in order to get into the system. Continue reading


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