TLB150 is a newly engineered sarm that is also known as RAD150. TLB150 was created by adding a benzoate ester to RAD140. An ester is a chemical alteration that determines the half-life and solubility of a drug in the bloodstream.
TLB-150 AKA RAD-150 is structurally like RAD140 but with an added ester to extend the life of the compound. Like the use of esters in testosterone therapy, binding the ester to the chemical extends the life of it 10-fold. This makes it stronger and longer lasting for less frequent administration.
RAD140 vs RAD150 (TLB-150)
RAD140 is my favorite sarm because of how quickly the effects work and it’s high potency level. RAD140 is the most anabolic and least androgenic, making it the most popular.
It is stronger than just about anything else other than S23. However, S23 has its own range of side effects like lowering cholesterol too much and wiping out estrogen. And RAD140 really doesn’t have any negative effects like that at all which makes it such a clean compound.
RAD140 is the most side effects free sarm out there which is probably why they chose to Esterify RAD140 instead of the other sarms out there.

TLB-150 Half Life
TLB150 or RAD150 has a much longer half-life than RAD140. TLB150 has a Half-life of around 48hrs. This means the anabolic value will be more consistent for a stable endocrine system.
The noticeable effects will not be immediate because of the extended half life. But it will start to have compounding effects as you continue to use it. This is because it’s going to multiply and build up over an extended period of time.
What you really want to take into consideration is TLB140 may take a while to effectively build up in the system. But it’s also going to stay in the system longer. Now, this means a more stable compound that will not be fluctuating on a daily basis. This also means you’re going to have an easier, less abrupt change once you discontinue use.
So, if you have something that is a 24 hour half-life and stop administering it, it a very abrupt change on the endocrine system. So what we get with TLB150 is less strain on the endocrine system with more conservative doses to get the results of a more traditional sarm.

My experience using TLB150
To be honest, I didn’t notice any effects for nearly a week. This didn’t suprise me because I understood the delayed process that often comes with various esters.
And it seems to take a little time to take effect. But I do have to admit that the first thing I noticed was the cognitive enhancement that RAD140 is notorious for. I had way more mental stamina by the end of the second week.
And as the weeks progressed even more aspects became more evident. Increased blood flow and muscle hardening during workouts seemed very evident during the beginning of the third week.
From my experience, it is very similar to a very high dosed RAD140 that feels more stable and gradual in the body. However, I really don’t see much of a benefit over the original RAD140. Its just a different take on it.

TLB150 (RAD150) Dosage
My plan was to use 15ml per day for a total of eight weeks. But I actually went ahead and ordered another bottle so I can enjoy this experiment for a little longer.
The first thing I noticed was the milky color of the liquid form of this product. I did some researching on this and consulted with a close friend who is a biochemist. I found out this is a direct result of esterifying the RAD140. However, this may also reduce the chemicals degradation time in liquids in comparison to other Sarms. This ultimately would extend the shelf life of the product before it starts to degrade.
In my opinion, 15mg of TLB150 eventually seems to be the equivalent of 30mg of RAD140. So, in the long run this is going to be more gradual and stable version of RAD140 that wont require such high doses to achieve the desired effects.
The ideal situation though would be to use both RAD140 and TLB150 together to get the best of both compounds. This would be the fast effects of RAD140 and the long term stability of TLB150.
TLB150 as a research chemical in fitness and bodybuilding
With TLB150 being derived by altering RAD140, there’s probably not any testing for this. This is one of those things that we’ll have to watch out for athletes who may want an advantage until various governing bodies figure out a way to test this.
I looked around for a while and I’m concluding that there isn’t any testing for this chemical yet. And honestly, there may not be any for a while because this was only done for private research use, and not for your typical pharmaceutical application. So only private researchers are going to be utilizing this.
TLB150 is probably going to stay under the radar for a while before the anti-doping associations start implementing drug testing applications .
All in all, there isn’t really major advantage to this over RAD140 other than it being slightly more stable in the blood. However, its highly inconvenient that it takes nearly 2 weeks to start taking effect when RAD140 kicks in in just a couple days.
My person opinion is that RAD140 is still the better compound if you want something that will take effect immediately. If you want something more blood stable that can be used for a longer duration then TLB150 is the better option.
If you want a reliable source for TLB150 (RAD150), then your best source is going to be Chemyo. Ive been using and recomending Chemyo for several years because they post 3rd party testing results on each product page and have outstanding quality control.
You can get RAD150 HERE from Chemyo. Also, you can get 10% off your purchase by using the coupon code: LEAVINGWEAKNESS10
Below is a youtube unboxing video I did on Chemyo that shows the level of quality you can expect from this company. You can CLICK HERE to read a very detailed Chemyo review article I recently wrote.
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