I want you to keep an open mind in regards to this writing. If you’re on any type of steroids or enhancing drugs, chances are you are not training properly.
Let’s think about this…
You train, you eat, you begin to repair the damage you caused, and hopefully trigger hypertrophy. Add steroids or other performance enhancers, and recovery is heightened. This allows one to train longer and subsequently harder than if you were natural.
So ask yourself in regards to your training, have you pushed the envelope on exactly how much increased training intensity and frequency you can use to stimulate significant growth?
Today I trained arms and delts. I intentionally did more sets using heavy weight than I have before. I basically tripled the routine and got an amazing pump and hours later I still felt fantastic.

Now here is where we often get skewed (self included)…
We train, we add steroids (or whatever), but we do not up the ante on our training! We figure that we work out well enough and that we inherently know it all.
For example, I went to El Paso, Texas and trained at a local gym where I was making a collaborative video for AnabolicTV/Enhanced Athlete. I interviewed some gym patrons and one in particular stood out.
And I asked if he wanted to ask Tony Huge anything and his response was a smug “For what? I know how to train”. When I asked how long he had been lifting and his answer was “two years”.
First of all let me say this, there are individuals capable of training two years that look amazing IF THEY ARE BOTH GIFTED GENETICALLY AND HAVE A GREAT TRAINER.
He was not one of those individuals.
I’m sorry readers, in two years you most likely haven’t learned how to properly lift. Let alone eat, rest, and recuperate.
Often times we are our own greatest roadblock to substantial gains. This guy in particular is prime example.
I’ve been lifting for 30 plus years and look nowhere close to what I want to look like- due to what? I don’t know it all despite the amount of information I read daily. And I have yet to put it all together in a manner where I feel comfortable with saying I know how to properly train myself.
However, I strive to push the limits daily in the gym in order to find out what works best.
Steroids (AAS) are not some magic potion.
They are not there to allow complacency and still be able to growing stronger and wiser. Steroids are a means of enhancing recovery. Thus promoting hypertrophy through breaking barriers and plateaus.
If you want to grow, you must do three things without fail…
- Train harder and smarter than ever before
- Eat both in quality and in quantity
- Rest
Muscle growth is just as mental as it is physical. We must learn to surpass our predetermined physical limitations that we call challenging and realize that they aren’t where we want to be. Real muscle growth occurs after the burning and fatigue.
Real muscle growth is just beyond our ego.
We must be more critical of ourselves and our cycles….and surpass what we may have thought was hard-core training.
A good Leg day has you barely able to walk. Good arm days means you can barely wipe your face. And a good workout means you are drenched in sweat.
This, in my opinion, is ‘Leaving Weakness’ in regards to ones goals. Leave the excuses behind, train hard… I mean harder and smarter than you can imagine and the gains are there to be had.
Stop being a pussy and man up. After-all, nobody trains to be average.
-The 44
The 44 is regarded as the leading authority in the anabolic community. He Is also owner of one of the best bodybuilding websites on the internet. 44onSwole.com advocates brotherhood and knowledge with no hidden agendas.

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