Search: “kratom”

We found 10 results for your search.

Kratom: Opioid Death Drug or Natural Medicine

Kratom is plant that has a lot of controversy surrounding it right now. Much of which is due to the misunderstanding of the plants proper use and abilities. Many people are using this to replace a lot of big pharma’s most popular products and there hasn’t been a single death attributed to its use

Coastline Kratom Review

I did an article last month where I mentioned  having interest in trying Kratom for quite some time.  This lead to me eventually researching as much info as I could on it to make I understood what I was getting in to.  But I had a pretty difficult time trying to decide who I wanted […]

Chemyo Sarms Review: Are they Legit?

There was a massive void left in the research community when Proven Peptides shut down. Proven Peptides became huge because of reliable products, outstanding customer service, and smooth transaction processing. I’ve been vetting research chemical companies over the past 3 months to fill that vacancy. And I’ve found a company called Chemyo with a similar […]

The Benefits of Sobriety and Why I Stopped Drinking

I’ve been MIA for several weeks in order to make some very important changes in my life. It’s very difficult to continue moving forward towards a life of prosperity if you don’t admit the necessary changes you need to make… of those changes for me was admitting that I had been a high functioning alcoholic […]

Prohormones With Biochemist Chris Ward

In this episode we welcome back Biochemist Chris Ward from radical-research. We get to take a trip down nostalgia lane to talk about the crazy history of  prohormones. Chris also gives us a clear understanding of how these compounds work in a way that most can clearly understand without possessing a chemistry degree.


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