I’ve used almost every sarm that is readily accessible. I ran countless cycles of the popular ones like YK11 and RAD140. And I’ve even experimented with the more obscure ones like S23 and ACP105. At this point, I would consider myself well experienced with these compounds and their real world applications. Therefore, I am going to outline some more advanced sarm cycles for serious results.
Know, I know that compounds like Cardarine and MK677 are not really sarms. But I am going to utilize them within these protocols because they are lumped into the same chemical category by the research companies that sell them. Plus, they are incredibly effect to include within these cycle plans. However, I will NOT mention using SR9009 because the bioavailabilty of that compound is so damn poor that I just cant advocate wasting your money on it.
As stated these sarm cycles are designed for the more experienced researcher and not intended for novice or first time users. If you are new to these compound then please reference the article I wrote a few years ago about beginner sarms cycles HERE.
Advanced Sarm Bulking Cycles
So this first cycle can be used for either a serious bulk or a great re-composition according to caloric intake and training style. If you want to put on some serious mass, then you’ll need to be in a caloric surplus and be training with a fair amount of intensity. I’ve ran this cycle several times and have seen results using it with and without a testosterone base. Our goal is to use several different types of compounds to hit the system from different points to ensure maximum results for a total of 8 to 12 weeks.
RAD140 | 20-30mgs | Once Daily |
MK677 | 25mgs | Once (nightly) |
YK11 | 10-15mgs | Split into two doses |
GW501516 | 20mgs | Once Daily |
The base of the bulking sarm cycle will be RAD140. This compound has the highest anabolic to androgenic of all the sarms at 90:1. Rad140 was originally developed as a possible alternative to Testosterone replacement therapy. Therefore it can be utilized without testosterone. However, you will have to run a full PCT afterwords to bring your natural testosterone production back to homeostasis. We are going to take the higher end of the ‘sweet spot’ of RAD140 of 20 to 30mg per day. This is the main anabolic of the cycle that will provide most of the lean gains.
Complementary compounds
We will be adding MK677 to help aid in both recovery as well as appetite stimulation. Mk677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that sends signals to the pituitary gland to release several powerful GH pulses. Many have even called it oral growth hormone.
One of the hardest parts of running a bulking cycle is choking down enough CLEAN calories to be in a calorie surplus. Many on a bulk resort to eating a bunch of junk that will put on a bunch of bodyfat and water retention. MK677 does this by interacting with the hunger hormone, called grehlin, to send the signals to the pituitary gland. Trust me, you wont have a problem devouring that plain old chicken and rice when using MK677.
We are going to be utilizing the full dosage of 25mg of MK677 every day. However, this needs to be taken at night to avoid the mid-day lethargy many experience when researching it. I’ve found that 25mg of MK677 right before bed provides the deepest sleep imaginable. Sleep is crucial in providing the repair needed to heal and grow. Sleep is also when the body produces its natural GH pulses and taking this compound is basically going to amplify it.
We will use YK11 in this cycle to help complement the MK677 and RAD140. YK11 is a myostatin inhibitor sarm unlike any other compound out there. Myostatin is a hormone our body produces that inhibits muscle growth beyond a set limit. YK11 will elicit more pronounced muscle growth from inhibiting that hormone. The effective dosage for YK11 is between 10 and 15mg per day. However, its half life is around 10 hours. So you’ll have to split that dosage into half the amount and take it twice per day.
Add either Cardarine or GW0742 to maximize fat burning
PPARβ/δ agonist are great compounds to add to any cycle. Unfortunately, both GW501516 and the more recent GW0742 have both been falsely demonized over the years. Which, often creates reluctance to utilize these fat burning powerhouses in sarm cycles.
People have been wrongfully lead to believe that cardarine will give you cancer, which I dispelled HERE. I’ve ran dozens of cycles of cardarine and have never seen a single negative issue arise from its use. Hell, I even tell Trenbolone users to implement cardarine to effectively mitigate some of Tren’s wicked side effects! Cardarine can be used in 12 week long durations of 20mgs daily to see some serious increases in fat burning and cardiovascular endurance.
GW0742 is another outstanding fat burning compound that many refer to as ‘Super Cardarine’. This compound is somewhat stronger than cardarine in my opinion but you take smaller dosages of it. The big concern with this compound is a few rat studies where they gave the mic really huge doses and it resulted in enlargement of the heart. My opinion here is to stick with a conservative daily dosage ranging between 10mgs and 15mg for 8 weeks or less. Read my full GW0742 article HERE.

Advanced Sarm Cutting Cycles
This is the most effective sarm cycles for cutting I have found thus far. And it consists of 3 main compounds with an additional fourth option.
We will actually be utilizing both MK2866 and S23 together as the base of this stack. Ostarine has a significant amount of anabolic activity and sport a decent A:A ratio of 3:1. A strong amount of MK2866(Ostarine) is comparable to running Anavar, another great cutting steroid. Ostarine is reliable, works, has a ton of studies proving its safety, and always brings out a positive sense of wellbeing during use. 25mgs taken once daily is the amount we will utilize to make this compounds properties shine.
S23 | 25mgs | Split into two doses |
MK677 | 10-15mgs | Once (nightly) |
Mk2866 | 25mgs | Once Daily |
GW501516 | 20mgs | Once Daily |
S23 is one of the strongest sarms available that has some seriously impressive muscle hardening traits. This compound also increases vascularity and has a pronounced drying effect. I feel very comfortable comparing S23 to using moderate to high dosages of DHT derived Steroids! The dosage that these traits can be obtained at is around 25mgs daily. However, this compound has a half life of around 12 hours. This means that you will want to split that 25mgs into half and take it twice per day to ensure stable blood levels. Also keep in mind that S23 is very suppressive so a strong PCT is going to be a must here.
We are going to top this cycle off with 20mgs of GW501516, or Cardarine, to ramp up the fat loss through an increase in cardiovascular endurance.
Additional cutting compound
A fourth option here, could be to implement a very light dosage of MK677 to help aid in recovery. However, MK677 increases appetite so this can be counterproductive if not well thought out. If you were to implement this in a calorie deficit, user a more conservative dose of around 10 to 15mgs. And take it right before bed to mitigate any lethargy or hunger issues.
Sarms cycles for females
I really don’t understand why so many female fitness enthusiast still utilize Anavar instead of MK2866. Ostarine outperforms Anavar in its anabolic capacity and strength increases, as well as in terms of having less side effects.
Ostarine is the only Sarm I would feel comfortable advocating women to utilize. And an ideal dosage would be half of what a man would take. Therefore, women could take 10 to 12.5mgs of Ostarine per day in 6 to 8 week cycles.
Another great, but non-hormonal compound to utilize would be 10 to 15mgs of Cardarine per day to help achieve a leaner physique. for women wanting to put on some lean muscle while also preserving their femininity, MK677 can be paired with the Ostarine. Women should utilize a dosage between 10 and 15mg to see the desired benefits of increased growth hormone with MK677.
MK677 | 10-15mgs | Once (nightly) |
Mk2866 | 10-12.5mgs | Once Daily |
GW501516 | 10-15mgs | Once Daily |
Reliable Sarm Source
If your looking for sarms, then CHEMYO is the company you want to take a look at. They’ve been around forever and have a great reputation for having great consistency with product quality and service. Additionally, They also post all their 3rd party testing results on each product page so you know that what your getting is actually real.
You can get 10% off any of their items by using the discount code: LEAVINGWEAKNESS10
Here is my detailed product review and unboxing video on Chemyo:
I know this article is almost a year old, I just wanted to ask you about SR9011 or other REV ERBS?
Both sr9009 and 9011 have extremely low bioavailability, and I believe they metabolize fairly quickly as well. Cost vs effectiveness, oral liquid/capsule SRs just aren’t worth it. The injection versions are pretty good though. If you were to do an SR the only effective way would be a intramuscular/subQ product
What’s your favorite sarm supplier?
I’ve been using Amino Asylum. It seems legit so far. What are your thoughts on them?
Never mind about the question on Amino Asylum. I found your review. But I would like to know your number 1 recommendation for Sarms, if that’s ok?
I would say it would be a tossup between CHEMYO and Amino Asylum
Is the LEAVINGWEAKNESS coupon still valid for Chemyo? I tried it on a couple different products but kept getting the “coupon code does not exist” error
The promo code is actually LEAVINGWEAKNESS10
Awesome!! Thank you.