Introducing our Sumer-time Jacked and Tan Giveaway sponsored by our good friends at Amino Asylum. There will be one single winner of this giveaway who will receive the following items:
- One unit of IGF 1-DES peptide
- One unit of GHRP-2 peptide
- One unit of GHRP-6 peptide
- One unit of MT2 (Melonotan II) peptide
How to Win:
Entering to win is very simple and BS free and there are a few different ways to do it for maximum convenience.
Simply put your email address in the subscriber pop up that you saw when you first came to this website or in the subscription box at the bottom of the site. You can also enter by subscribing directly HERE.
This is a subscriber only giveaway and email is how I contact the winner and release drawing results.