Over my years on various forums and interacting with gym patrons there seems to be a common misconception about ‘crashed gear’. Some seem to feel that it isn’t a legit product and that it might be bad.
There are many perspectives on this, some more true than others. But ultimately one is correct and the rest are essentially wrong.
What exactly is crashed gear?
The hormone contained within a vial is suspended. When it’s chemically unstable it can and will typically separate from the chemicals used to suspend the hormone within its carrier oil. This is usually due to lower benzyl benzoate concentration used to reduce post injection pain.
This results in a cloudy appearance and crystalline formations within your vial. That my friends is the actual hormone, which essentially lets you know that you in fact have a legitimate AAS product.
Now how do we go about fixing and using this gear?
Obviously injecting crystals isn’t on our to do list. Bucket list perhaps, but definitely not the to do list. So how does one heat the gear/oil to a point where it becomes a suspension capable of being pinned again?
So lets consider the brewing process….
Heat is used and therefore is necessary again to get the product back to a usable state. Each compound has a specific melting point and many of us just don’t own a thermometer to oversee such things. We’re subjected to the applied science of ‘guesstimating’.
Heating the vial is our only option unless you have a capper and caps allowing you to open the vial and besides for a single vial that’s just not the best option.
- Simply take a small pot capable of holding all the vials needing to be heated.
- Fill with water and boil the contents within.
- Some take a syringe and vent the vial, but oftentimes I find that unnecessary.
- As you near the appropriate melting point for the compound the crystals will disappear.
- The gear will be deemed suitable for use once it is transparent again and has cooled down.
- This process shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes.

How do we avoid crashing our gear?
Keep it out of the refrigerator.
If you live in a cold climate take that into consideration and store in warmer rooms where heat is consistently maintained. NO….. a garage, or storage shed in Wisconsin is not ideal brothers.
Try to maintain your gear in room temperature (65-75 degrees Fahrenheit should suffice).
Now please take away from this that crashed gear is not bad gear.
Crashing simply helps confirm that you have a legitimate product and the lab/company is trustworthy. Yes it could be brewed better perhaps, but having the peace of mind of knowing you have actual steroid in my opinion is better than wishing and hoping.
-The 44
The 44 is regarded as the leading authority in the anabolic community. He Is also owner of one of the best bodybuilding websites on the internet. 44onSwole.com advocates brotherhood and knowledge with no hidden agendas.

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