There exists a golden opportunity in every terrible situation.

Most people just aren’t conditioned to see it. Likely because we’ve been taught by our society that its completely fine to accept mediocrity and think that something ‘just isn’t possible’.

But the truth is that if we want our situation to change, we have to instead ask “How can I make this possible?”

The positive opportunities reside dormant in every negative event waiting for us to utilize it. It is the universes way of balancing itself. It has been called many different things. But regardless of what you want to call it, its always there, and always will be.

This is an unusual time for humans. Many uncertainties stain our thoughts. And hope for a better tomorrow is beginning to waiver for many of our brothers and sisters. I worry that the lasting effect of this pestilence will not just be economic. I’m far more worried about the repercussions this plague will have on the mental health of our people, especially when it was already hanging in the balance.

Do not give up hope and let this piece of shit virus win!

One thing that I have never partaken in is the constant self abuse modern society likes to inflict upon itself. I’m talking about how we are always being  reminded about about the evil deeds we’ve done throughout history, how we are ruining the environment, and how we are just sinful overdeveloped primates.

….Nah. Fuck that.

Think about all the amazing creations humans have brought into this world and grand achievements built.   Look at all the beauty that exist in the art we’ve created.   Humans are not perfect, but we are capable of amazing things.

This isn’t gonna be what takes us out.

But we are going to come out of the other side of this thing very different and I truly believe it will be for the better. People are going to realize that all the bullshit consumerism to impress people, the social media popularity, Hollywood influencers, and all that materialistic crap doesn’t mater for shit in the REAL WORLD!

What matters is being able to take care of your loved ones, living a life of emotional fulfillment, working towards achieving something your proud of, and knowing that you did your absolute best in this existence that we have been blessed with.

This is gonna be tough. But we will come out with scar tissue that is going to make us more resilient to the stuff that would have normally kicked our ass.

So don’t just give up and give in to this motherfucker.

You are going to win this battle. But why settle for just winning the battle when you can win the whole damn war?

You are at a major crossroads right now where things radically go one of two ways.

You can either set idle, do nothing, and worry yourself into oblivion….Or you can take major advantage of this situation to put things in your favor.

As the band Slayer once said, “Making the best of the cards I’ve been dealt, Adjusting the odds so I win”.

If you choose to, you can turn this thing around and create an environment where you absolutely thrive.

Because of the quarantine, you have been given the gift of time. But will you use it for more than sitting on your ass and binging on netfix shows?

Here are things you can do RIGHT NOW that will change your life for the better.


Take the time to call a loved one you haven’t spoken with in years and repair a damaged relationship.

Every single one of us have a friend or loved one that we have a strained relationship with. Maybe you have a family member that you feel like shit about for never calling and checking on them. Or maybe you had a really close friend that you parted on bad terms with. If this is resonating with you,  I bet there is someone you’re thinking about.

People find out who really cares about them when the world starts falling about.

So this is what I want you to do. I want you to pick up the phone and call that person. And say something like this:

“Hey, I know we haven’t talked in a while and the last time we spoke things may have been left on a bit of a sour note. But I think about you pretty often and I  really hope you’ve been ok through this crazy time. And I just wanted to let you know that I really value the relationship we had and I really hope your getting through all of this  okay”.

I know that you may feel hesitant to do this, especially if there is a level of uncertainty how the person will react. But I can assure that they are likely going to reciprocate the love and positivity and tell you how glad they were you called them.

And if the conversation doesn’t go where you want it, you can rest easily knowing that YOU reached out and did everything possible to right some wrongs.

You’ve got the time, so make the call.

Start Your Business

It baffles me how many people still think you need to take out a loan or have thousands of dollars to start a business nowadays. You can start a website for less than $100 a year and turn it into a money making machine by creating great content. I know because I did it and it was the best $89 I’ve ever spent. I not only make a generous living from leavingweakness but I was also able to leave the corporate slavery career that I absolutely hated.

You want to write programs or books and sell them online? Well you absolutely should. Especially if you have an abundant amount of knowledge about something or have some great stories to tell.  Creating your own book and converting it to a downloadable PDF is actually really easy. What you do is you write it up in a word/excel document, edit it well, then convert it HERE. 

Then you can create your book cover with a designing program like Canva, which is completely free. And if you don’t want to do it yourself then get on Fivver and pay a freelancer to create something for just a few bucks.

Once the book is created, you can sell it on a digital download hosting service like E-Junkie that will provide you shopping cart buttons to put on your site and links to your product. Whats even better is E-junkie handles the payment, sends the digital download to the buyer, and then puts the money in your bank account once the transaction is complete.

You always wanted to start a podcast? THEN DO IT!!!

I wanted to start a podcast for years but had no idea how to get it on spotify, do rss feeds, publish them, or any of that crap. So I just put it off because I thought it was too hard. Well….I’ve had a successful podcast for over a year now and I regret not starting it sooner because I now know how easy it is. The creation platform that I use is and you not only use it to create a podcast on your IPhone but It also takes care of uploading your podcast to all the major hosting platform like spotify and apple. Its extremely easy to use and can even turnoff  phone calls into high quality podcast. Plus, they even set you up with sponsors to help get your podcast making money. CLICK HERE if you want to check out my podcasts that were all created with

If you have physical products you actually want to sell then you can make some serious money on shopify or even Amazon. Yes, you can actually sell items on Amazon!

I actually know a couple of other entrepreneurs who just do that for a living and make great income. And it makes total sense to be on amazon if your a retailer because it’s the worlds largest e-commerce site. Learn to sell on Amazon HERE.

If your stuck at home and you feel worried about your business or your income, then you are not alone.

Here is the good news…

Never in the history of the internet have all humans been ordered to stay at home. You have an opportunity like never before to reach people while they are in isolation because people are consuming content at a higher rate than ever right now.

Here is exactly what you need to do:

  • Create content daily and share and get it in as many people face as possible
  • Make content relevant to what you do and provide something that solves some sort of problem
  • Make a plan and stick with it
  • take action every single day

You will never see an opportunity like this again, so don’t let it go to waste.

Be a more mindful consumer in the future

You, me, and everyone else wishes we had saved more money in preparation for an event like this. We have all considered things we wasted money on that we should have been more conservative with.

But the past is the past and we can only move forward from here while learning from our mistakes. Personally, I wish I would have utilized more of my income to buy assets that would have made more money.  I haven’t invested in any more real estate in the past year but there isn’t anything I can do about that now.

Every one of us can be smarter about putting our money to work. Here are the basics of what we all know we should be doing more of to create more secured wealth:

  • Be conservative with your income
  • Start saving money
  • Invest your savings in assets that will force your money to make more money (rental properties for example)
  • Then make money your slave instead of being a slave to money

I know its easier said than done and takes discipline to get there. HERE is an in-depth article about how anyone can achieve financial freedom.

But another thing to consider is how we need to be more critical of the companies who want our money. Every damn commercial I’ve seen during this crisis is from some huge corporation like AT&T or GMC stating how much they ‘love us and that they’re here for us during these uncertain times’. I swear every one of them say the same exact bullshit.

And that is exactly what it is….bullshit.

These companies don’t give a flying fuck about us and aren’t holding our hands through this shit. They’re just playing to our emotions and doing everything possible to make sure we remember them after all of this is over so you keep giving them your money.

They aren’t loyal to you. So you guys just focus on you and your family to make the best decisions based on your financial situation. If that means telling Spint to ‘go suck a fart out of your ass’ so you only have to pay $15 a month on a go-phone, well good for you!!!

Get in the absolute best shape of your life

This whole “I don’t ever have time to workout” bullshit went out the window long ago. But everyone seemed to stop working out because the gyms all shut down.

What the hell is wrong with people? You don’t need a gym, dumbbells, and fancy equipment to workout! How do you think guys in prison get absolutely jacked when they are always stuck in a cell and rarely have access to weightlifting equipment?

I know that having the weights and everything is a huge benefit. But all you really is the weight of your own body and some motivation. Intense push-ups,  hand-stand presses, squats, and jumping jacks will whip your ass into shape really fast. And if you need something for weights then fill pillow cases with cans or books.

Your only limited to the effort your willing to put in, so stop making excuses and put in the work.

I have a friend who is a registered nurse and personal trainer that is going to be doing a guest post on this very topic in the next week or so. This way people can stay mentally and physically healthy in a time of limited resources and options. So keep an eye out for that one.

Utilize this time to achieve something you’ve always wanted to do!

Turn this shit situation into something great.

For once in your life you finally have the time.

Again….You will never see an opportunity like this again, so don’t let it go to waste.

Take care of yourselves, Keep your family safe, and stay strong for your loved ones in these uncertain times.
