You don’t have to look around very hard to realize that most people are barely making ends meet. We are at a point where 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It is insane that this is happening in the wealthiest country in the world.

Our government runs the education system which constantly instills in us that we must go to college. College has been sold as the guarantee to greater wages for the past 60 years. However, the exorbitant cost far outweigh the benefits of the investment.  Many students have are scammed into achieving degrees which prove meaningless in real life and business.

The average student loan debt is now $37,000 and risen by a whopping 275% since 2003! One out of  four college graduates have to move back in with their parents due to hardship. A recent study showed that nearly half of all graduates are working jobs that don’t even require a degree. 

The truth is that the vast majority of college students wish they had spent more time preparing for the “real world”.

Your success is solely dependent on your actions and not your education. The real world does not care if you are successful because you are owed absolutely nothing in life. You are entitled to nothing except what your are able to negotiate in life. The middle class is failing because it is based on lies.

Here is an excellent example of why the middle class is not sustainable. 

Let’s just look at the cost of housing compared to income. In 2009 the average monthly rent was $690 with minimum wage paying $7.25. In 2019 the average monthly rent is $933 and minimum-wage is still at $7.25!

The average middle-class American makes $46,000 per year in 2019. But the average cost of living is $53,000 a year. So, no wonder your mom and dad are broke. And no wonder why you’re broke too!

There is no middle class and when you come to accept that, only then will you be able to better your situation. 

You are either rich or you are poor! 

Middle class people like to hate on the wealthy out of jealousy. But often times when people criticize something, it only because they don’t understand it. 

You see, most wealthy people aren’t successful because they were entitled or deserving of their situation. They simply learned how to play the game and obtained the knowledge to progress themselves further to their goals.

Start reading books by successful people and you will discover that their mindset is completely different from the average person. They do not worship the mighty dollar like the masses do. 

They invest in things that will make their money multiply itself for them. This is how they allow their money to work for them rather than them work for the money.

The average American works four months out of the year just to pay the tax man. Donald Trump doesn’t pay taxes because he is smart, not because he is a crook. Anyone who is offended by this, simply doesn’t understand how a corporation works. 

The system is set up for people to take advantage of it if you know how to play the game. The real crook is Uncle Sam.

Every politician’s main priority during a campaign is to promise the middle class a better future with greater benefits. The problem here is that these promises will never ever come to fruition. Without the middle class suckers to pay taxes, how could Uncle Sam make ends meet?

People in the middle class convince themselves that money isn’t important as a way to make themselves feel better about not having money.

You need a shitload of money to actually reach financial security! If you don’t think that money is important, then you are blind. 

And if you believe that money can’t buy you happiness, then why not find a way to have a bunch of money just to make life easier. 

Again, there simply is no middle class. You’re either wealthy or you’re poor.

The entire ideology of the middle class is nothing more than a rat race that’s difficult to break free of. 

You can’t save your way to financial freedom because money decreases in value every single day. Even if the dollar was placed back on the gold standard, how could you save towards freedom when you live paycheck to paycheck?

Sure, the middle class was a desirable destination 50 years ago, but it’s no longer the safe haven it once was. 

The media, educational system, and politicians will never tell you the real truth about the middle class. If those organizations were to be truthful about the situation, there wouldn’t be anymore suckers left to fund Uncle Sam’s broken system that keeps the politicians rich.

The entire educational system would fall apart because everyone would realize that it’s worthless unless you plan on obtaining education in a career specific fields such as medicine.

You have the right to pursue happiness but you have to really focus on the pursuit part. Get out of this mindset and pursue success and wealth as if your life depended on it, BECAUSE IT DOES!

The middle class model has promised Americans safety and freedom for generations.  But people are starting to wake up to the fact that these are all lies meant to keep you a slave to the system.  

Any entity that promises to take care of you only want to make you a weak and dependent consumer. 

Once you believe these lies you adopt a victim mentality in which you constantly beg for fish. Why do this when you can teach yourself how to fish and become truly independent? 

You should be a producer and not a consumer. 

I learned how to make money work for me, rather than have to work for money. I did this through something called passive income. 

The truth here is that nothing in your life will change,  unless you change first.

Are you sick and tired of being broke and living paycheck to paycheck?  

Do you have severe anxiety every time you open your mailbox because you’re terrified there’s another bill you can’t afford to pay? 

Do you spend all day working your ass off with nothing to show for it at the end of the day?

Well, there are a million opportunities available today that did not exist just 10 years ago. Many people just don’t know how to take advantage of those opportunities. 

And I’m here to tell you now that getting out of this rat race hell is 100% completely possible.

I’m no guru and I don’t have some sort of bullshit click-bait coaching program to sell you. However, this website and the podcast were created to show people ways to improve their life in every aspect.

Everything that I write about is based on experience whether its about me buying rental properties or how i make money on the internet. And I’m happy to share with people what I did that worked, and what didn’t.

If you want to know how I was able to retire at 32 by creating my own economy then CLICK HERE.

The middle class is a scam and you have been lied to your entire life.

They sold you on going to college, investing in a 401k, save your way to financial security, and buy a house that you will never really own. Perhaps you didn’t land the job that you now owe thousands of dollars in student loans for. You pay thousands of dollars every year in social security money that you will never see.

Maybe you did every single thing that they told you to do.  But you’re still constantly struggling to make ends meet.

You are living in a broken system. Are you ready to get out?