As little as 5 years ago, personal content websites were on fire. But 95% of new blogs are just cringe-worthy platforms for scam artists. Continue reading
As little as 5 years ago, personal content websites were on fire. But 95% of new blogs are just cringe-worthy platforms for scam artists. Continue reading
I first suspected that I might have low testosterone a few years ago. It was the beginning of 2016 and I had just celebrated my 29th birthday when I started to notice several changes in my overall sense of well being. Things just didn’t feel right any more and I couldn’t make sense of it. I worked out every day, maintained a well rounded diet, and took the right supplements.
However, I constantly felt lethargic, couldn’t focus, my quality of sleep had suffered, and I felt gassed out early in to my workouts. And although I wasn’t having any issues with erectile dysfunction, the sexual drive I once had Continue reading
Before I started using Cialis, I was under the impression that it was only for men who struggled to get erections. But it has recently been brought to my attention how popular of a performance enhancer this is in the bodybuilding community. Not only that, but the overall health and lifestyle benefits this has for the aging male and athletes is nothing short of incredible. I am sharing this information because I had no idea of all the benefits of Cialis before I started using it. Continue reading
I want you to keep an open mind in regards to this writing. If you’re on any type of steroids or enhancing drugs, chances are you are not training properly.
Let’s think about this…
You train, you eat, you begin to repair the damage you caused, and hopefully trigger hypertrophy. Add steroids or other performance enhancers, and recovery is heightened. This allows one to Continue reading
Trestolone Acetate (7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone) aka MENT, is an extremely powerful steroid discovered in 1963. Trestolone was pretty much abandoned until the 1990s when the Population Council began looking at it as a potential candidate for male birth control and HRT.
MENT induces a state of temporary infertility but has the unique ability to maintain normal biological functions in the complete absence of testosterone. This means that libido, energy levels, and sense of well-being are all maintained when running this compound solo.
This is basically methylated Deca-Nandrolon, which completely changes the parent compounds pharmacology. But it lacks serious hepatotoxic effects because its an Continue reading
Over my years on various forums and interacting with gym patrons there seems to be a common misconception about ‘crashed gear’. Some seem to feel that it isn’t a legit product and that it might be bad.
There are many perspectives on this, some more true than others. But ultimately one is correct and the rest are Continue reading
Alright folks. Lets get a couple of things straight about PCT.
PCT is an acronym for Post Cycle Therapy. This is the process that you need to go through following a cycle of steroids or any other anabolic compound. This also includes pro-hormones and SARMs. The entire purpose of PCT is to help bring your body back to homeostasis by restoring your natural testosterone production.
Anytime you run a cycle, you give your body a huge burst of exogenous hormones. the body reacts to the synthetic hormones you give it by temporarily suppressing its own natural production. It doesn’t need to produce anything because your providing it with whatever compound you taking. So unless you plan on being on gear the entire rest of your life, then PCT is Continue reading
Arimistane was one of the few over-the-counter products that actually worked. I loved the stuff and I have written several articles where I promoted it. But you guys have been sending me emails and messages wondering where to buy Arimistane products like Eraticate – E now because they’re becoming scarce.
Actually, its become almost impossible to find Arimistane over the past couple months. A1 supplements has quit caring that product altogether. And even manufactures like Blackstone labs stopped Continue reading
I had slowly given away so many pieces of my soul working there. Aspirations and passions were put aside and abandoned. Time with my family was lost and entire friendships fell into obscurity.
I became a man that I didn’t even recognize anymore and I began to resent life.
I had a good job that I busted my ass at for 8 years to climb up the ladder and I had everything most people could have wanted. They paid me very well, great benefits, and even a Continue reading
Real estate investing has completely changed my life! I am on the very real path of achieving financial freedom within a few years and retiring before the age of 32. But there is a whole lot to this business that I had to figure out along the way which I now view merely as pricey learning lessons.
I was scared shitless when I bought my first investment property. And hopefully my experiences can help those of you wanting to get started on the path of financial freedom through real estate. So, without further ado… Continue reading
Do you have an overwhelming sense of desperation when you clock in at work? Do you feel like your wasting the most precious years of your life making someone else rich, when you could be building wealth for yourself?
I got to a point where I felt like my soul sucking job was killing me from the inside out. I felt like I wasn’t fulfilling my true purpose in life and my career felt more like a prison cell most of the time.
Eventually, I turned to entrepreneurship because I Continue reading
Today we hear so many viewpoints on dosage recommendations for anabolic steroids, which ones make sense and which are absurd? I want to offer thought to this debate, but ultimately the choice is yours to make after receiving an unbiased opinion.
You can achieve miraculous results with Continue reading
Thyroid hormone regulates the metabolism of food and controls our body’s ability to burn off fat.
GC-1 is also known as Sobetirome. This research chemical is a thyroid hormone receptor agonist. Also known as a thyromimetic, it mimics thyroid hormone without actually being a hormone. To put it in perspective, you could consider this the SARM of thyroid hormones.
GC-1 acts similar to thyroid hormones like T2 and T3 in the body. However, it doesn’t seem to cause negative side effects of thyroid meds like suppression of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels. Other studies show GC-1 to increase metabolism and fat burning without causing tachycardia, which is a side effect from using T3.
Continue readingThere is a ton of misinformation floating around about how sarms and other research chemicals should be used. Some of the protocols that “sarm experts” push are downright lies to get you to buy more products from them. So what I want to do here is address some of these myths. Then provide examples of a sane beginner sarm cycle with minimal side effects. For more advanced SARM cycles CLICK HERE. Continue reading
I did an article last month where I mentioned having interest in trying Kratom for quite some time. This lead to me eventually researching as much info as I could on it to make I understood what I was getting in to. But I had a pretty difficult time trying to decide who I wanted to buy it from and what kind of kratom I should get. There are dozens of different strains of Kratom that all have different qualities, which makes it difficult for new users. I eventually found a company called Coastline Kratom that sells a ‘Beginner Pack‘ which was perfect for me since I never tried it before. This pack came with Continue reading
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