Biochemist Chris Ward from explains the science of Kratom on this weeks episode of The Leavingweakness Podcast.
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Biochemist Chris Ward from explains the science of Kratom on this weeks episode of The Leavingweakness Podcast.
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Kratom is plant that has a lot of controversy surrounding it right now. Much of which is due to the misunderstanding of the plants proper use and abilities. Many people are using this to replace a lot of big pharma’s most popular products and there hasn’t been a single death attributed to its use Continue reading
I did an article last month where I mentioned having interest in trying Kratom for quite some time. This lead to me eventually researching as much info as I could on it to make I understood what I was getting in to. But I had a pretty difficult time trying to decide who I wanted to buy it from and what kind of kratom I should get. There are dozens of different strains of Kratom that all have different qualities, which makes it difficult for new users. I eventually found a company called Coastline Kratom that sells a ‘Beginner Pack‘ which was perfect for me since I never tried it before. This pack came with Continue reading
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