Testolone MENT Podcast

In this episode we are going to explore one of my favorite research compounds, Trestolone Acetate which is commonly known as MENT. Every time I post about this compound on the Instagram page, I get blown up with questions because its such a misunderstood compound. I organized this episode in a way that covers the scientific studies while also discussing first hand, real world experience.

Click any of the links below to listen to the show. You can CLICK HERE for the best source to buy Trestolone (MENT).

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  1. Brian Ethridge

    I enjoyed your podcast big time. I would just like to add my experience to it just for shits and grins.
    I could not believe how powerful this compound was. I personally experienced probably two or three times the gains and muscle than I did with trenbolone acetate. With the exact same side effects I did from trend alone if I did over 50 mg a day I could not sleep. I did not have any estrogenic side effects at all which is surprising because that’s what everybody say they have a problem with. I know I got the actual testolone because I had it tested. Well one of my bottles anyway. I ran the stuff for 2 months and the biggest problem I had is I could not eat enough. I was able to reach 242 lbs at 5 ft 10 at about 7% body fat. I did not do any cardio and I was not paying attention to what I ate except making sure I got enough protein in an essential fatty acids. I’ve had people run the exact same company that I used and say they couldn’t handle this stuff because of estrogenic side effects and all kinds of different things but this is by far and I mean nothing else comes close my favorite compound I’ve ever ran. The fact that it’ll help shrink your prostate is just a plus.
    I would never run testolone buy itself as a base because we do not know enough about the circulatory system yet and all the proteins that testosterone itself stimulate. I know for a fact that nor 19 testosterone do not cause the cardiovascular system to remodel like testosterone does. Just because this doesn’t have the major side effects of Deca and tren doesn’t mean it stimulates that specific protein that allows our cardiovascular system to remodel. I would still always run a base of testosterone with it no matter what because we just don’t know yet everything that we need to know to say it would be safe. Same problem was running a Decca only cycle some people can get away with that but the research I saw showed that that greatly enhanced artillerial sclerosis and cardiovascular disease. So always run test with this just to be safe what’s it going to hurt. Anyway like I said my two cents thanks for the video and the information. I don’t want you to think I’m condescending or talking crap in any way shape or form I’m not I’m just giving my experience.

    • Scott

      Thank you brother for the kind words about the podcast. Nothing you have said comes across as offensive whatsoever.

      And I very much appreciate you candidly sharing your experience with everyone. Sharing real world application and experience strengthens the knowledge in this community and in my opinion helps others to make better experiences!

      Thanks again

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