Category: Podcast

Podcast with THE 44 on Ambition, Struggle, and Money Making

In this podcast episode, I’m joined by my friend The 44, who is known as a leader in the anabolic community when it comes to quality information. We discuss what it takes to find success and how to deal with the many obstacles along the way. We mainly focused on mental aspect of hustling and seeing opportunities where others don’t and won’t.

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Testolone MENT Podcast

In this episode we are going to explore one of my favorite research compounds, Trestolone Acetate which is commonly known as MENT. Every time I post about this compound on the Instagram page, I get blown up with questions because its such a misunderstood compound. I organized this episode in a way that covers the scientific studies while also discussing first hand, real world experience.

Click any of the links below to listen to the show. You can CLICK HERE for the best source to buy Trestolone (MENT).

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Peptide Podcast Part 2: Neuropeptides

In this weeks continuation of the Peptide series, we will discuss three neuropeptides.  All possessing  benefits such as cognitive enhancement, and promising studies showing the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Compounds of topic are Semax, Selank, and DSIP.

CLICK HERE to Listen to the Podcast on Apple  podcast.

Sarm Ban 2020

Sarms may be getting banned very soon.   Many  predicted this would eventually happen as anything that actually works eventually goes away.  There have been dozens of things that were effective but were eventually abolished. Things that come to mind were ephedra, prohormones, DMAA, and even arimistane among countless other items.

I’ve been a huge supporter of SARMs and other research chemicals for a long time because they effectively provide results similar to anabolic steroids with nowhere near the side effects.I believe them to be affordable, reasonably safe, and overall beneficial if using a quality source.

Then, Senator Warren Hatch proposed a bill to make sarms a controlled substance in 2018 with The Sarm Controll Act. However, a new bill to ban sarms has just been proposed.

In this podcast episode, we get some insight into what’s going on with the proposed Sarm Ban 2020 with some insider information from Seth Williams of Newroids.

So click one of the following links below to listen.





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