Difference Between 1-Andro and 4-Andro

1-Andro and 4-Andro are two prohormones that are becoming increasingly popular as of late. Despite some similarities with one another, they are structurally different. This means the body will react differently to the effects they provide.

1-Andro Explained

1-Andro (1-Androstene 3b-ol, 17-one) is a non-mentholated prohormone that converts to 1-Testosterone. This prohormone converts into 1-testosterone through a two-step process. 1-testosterone is more potent than the natural testosterone the body produces. Additionally, 1-Andro has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 1 to 2.​​​​​​​​
Since this is non-mentholated , damage to the liver is unlikely. The liver contains the necessary enzyme needed to convert 1-Andro into 1-testosterone, but this process does not in any way harm liver function.​​​​​​​​
Surprisingly, a West Texas A&M University study showed that with a clean diet and solid weight training program, 11 pounds of muscle was obtained while using 1-Andro. As a result, the study compared it to a milligram to milligram injection of testosterone enanthate, citing that it was very effective but negatively effected cholesterol levels.​​​​​​​​
1-Andro does not convert to estrogen or DHT. Therefore, estrogen and hair loss will not be an issue for most people. It produces lean and steady gains, however it can, temporarily lower good cholesterol. It can also cause some lethargy if you aren’t taking in enough calories or pairing it with a testosterone base or at least something that converts to test like like 4-Andro. ​​​​​​​​
Benefits of 1-Andro:​​​​​​​​

  • Enhances lean muscle mass​​​​​​​​
  • Reduces body fat​​​​​​​​
  • Improves strength​​​​​​​​
  • Lessens recovery time​​​​​​​​
  • No DHT conversion​​​​​​​​
  • No estrogen conversion​​​​​​​​

Possible Temporary Side Effects of 1-Andro:​​​​​​​​

  • Increased blood pressure​​​​​​​​
  • Negative impact on Cholesterol​​​​​​​​
  • Possible lethargy if not pair it with test base​​​​​​​​

4-Andro Explained

4 -Andro is an anabolic agent that converts into testosterone through a two-step conversion after being consumed. It is a derivative of DHEA and is also referred to as 4-DHEA. 4-DHEA is a naturally occurring DHEA isomer. It’s structure closely resembles regular DHEA but the double bond in the 4th position dramatically changes its effects.

4-DHEA readily converts to 4-androstenediol, rather than 5-androstenediol. Thus, increasing it’s anabolic potency more than 2x over regular DHEA. 4-DHEA has e a higher conversion rate to testosterone compared to regular DHEA.

1-Andro is a dry bulking agent that helps to produce lean muscle gains with little to no water retention. However, 4-Andro is a compound that converts to testosterone and is primarily used as a test base for for those avoiding testosterone injections during 1-Andro cycles or any other suppressive chemical like RAD140, LGD-4033, or S-23.

4-Andro Benefits

  • Non-methylated. Non-liver Toxic
  • Increase Muscle Tissue and Strength
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • 2-Step Testosterone Conversion

Possible Temporary Side Effects of 4-Andro

  • Slight estrogen conversion
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Slight acne may appear
  • Attitude may become slightly aggressive

4-Andro VS 1-Andro:

1-Andro converts to 1-testosterone. 4-Andro converts to Testosterone. They each have their individual purposes but pair very well together.

PURE RAWZ currently has both 1 and 4 andro in several different forms: ​​​​​​​​
You can get 10% off​​​​​​​​ anything on their site by using code: LW10



  1. I just started on TRT about 3 months ago and it’s great. I am thinking about adding something on top of it to help get lean, and stronger and just a better physique overall. I am thinking rad140 over 1 or 4 andro or any other sarm. What do you think? I am on 180 mg test cyp and 250 iu hcg a week. I’m guessing I won’t need a pct since all ready on test and hcg? Thanks man! Good content.

    • Dude, you are going to have way better results with a potent SARM like RAD140. In all honesty, these andro compounds are what I would consider more of a gateway compound for those just getting into enhancement/biohacking. I am on TRT w/ HCG myself and I cycle a dose of RAD140 at 20mg daily pretty frequently. Those three things are very good combo for an enhancement experience with gradual and sustainable results

      • Cool thanks bro! Is Chemyo your go to then? I assume no point in pct since already on trt and hcg right? I may come off trt at some point if I am able. I lost my leg below the knee a few months ago and am just using it to help me recover from that and my testosterone dropped in the 300s after that my amputation. My new goal in life is to become a jacked part cyborg! 🦿Thanks again bro! Like your content! Keep up the good work!

        • Truly inspiring mindset bro. Amazing way to turn a bad situation into something positive…become the real-life terminator.
          Yeah your not going to have any purpose for post cycle therapy since your basically going to be on a replacement cycle of Testosterone for the rest of your life. Another thing that may be in your interest to utilize over a long term period would be Mk677 which is basically like oral growth hormone and has pretty great healing and recovery abilities. Most research chemical companies like Chemyo and Amino Aslyum carry this as well. Here is an older article I wrote on it:

          • Thanks again man! Yeah losing my leg was quite a traumatic experience. I lost it 6 months ago and just had a revision on it yesterday which means I have to start all the way over. I told myself as soon as my incisions are healed I am hitting the gym hard as I have become sedentary due to pain, but F that! I’m ready to get my life back and won’t accept anything less. I think I’ll try just rad140 first 20 mg for 6 to 8 weeks. Hopefully it doesn’t mess my hormone levels up too much since my trt clinic checks everything every 3 months. I’ll check out the mk677 after I get my first cycle under my belt. This will be my first experience with SARMs.

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