Today we hear so many viewpoints on dosage recommendations for anabolic steroids, which ones make sense and which are absurd? I want to offer thought to this debate, but ultimately the choice is yours to make after receiving an unbiased opinion.

The unbiased opinion:

You can achieve miraculous results with low testosterone dosing as long as they are above levels naturally possible for your age. A forty year old male can achieve a hell of a lot with a T level of 900. Results won’t be dramatic, but they’ll be noticeable over an extended period of time. Add a few other complimentary components low in side effects and the tortoise wins the race. Playing the game for the long  is often considered safer.

Larger dosing protocols have recently taken a hit, perhaps deservedly. Personally, I use both as a way to achieve goals I have set for myself. I’ve used TRT doses and I’ve used multiple grams to achieve a certain look. I’ve suffered no sides to major ones and accepted them as part of the game. Now, as far as what one could use mega dosing for is simple… major gains.

However, be weary that dealing with any amount of exogenous hormones has a price to pay often at the expense of your own ability to naturally produce testosterone.

It’s a well known risk and often accepted. But some folks want to just dabble in AAS more so than plunge into it head first. Again, the choice is yours to make, but understand the inherent risks associated. Be mature and intent upon reaching your goals. All while keeping some similance of discipline about your cycle or blast. How else can you determine what works for you?

The Facts:

There is very little actual research on anabolic compounds beyond their original intended medicinal value. Actual study into using them for physique enhancement is limited at best. Much of the information out there is ‘bro science’ at best. Sadly many of these ‘bros’ are built like shit and lack experience in the practical application .

The many dangers associated with AAS use can be attributed to using NSAIDS in conjunction with them, but you’ll never read that in any medical report. Hospitals, doctors and Big Pharma work hand in hand with one another. I’m sure many of the diseases that plague us  have cures in the wait.

Waiting for what?

For the current medication prescribed to hit a profit peak and decline.

My thoughts… steroids never killed anyone.

I’ve pinned a ton of gear, I’m breathing and get a clean bill of health from my physician every time I go to her. So tell me, am I an oddity? Bottom line is we have to research and monitor ourselves truthfully. We can’t be objective without first being just as scrutinizing or ourselves as we are others.

There is no hard proof that either dosing protocol is better than the other. Merely opinions  force fed by  people who are afraid to be incorrect and state the safest answer.

High dose….low dose? What suits your needs?

Excessive amounts of anything can be bad for you, so keep things realistic and goal oriented.

Be a student of the craft and make honest observations. Substantiate facts as they fit your body because we are all individuals, unique in many ways and therefore react differently to things.

The 44 is regarded as the leading authority in the anabolic community. He Is also owner of one of the best bodybuilding websites on the internet. advocates brotherhood and knowledge with no hidden agendas.