Believe it or not, there are legal alternatives to steroids that actually work! This is a review of the best options available right now and what you can expect when taking them.
I remember a time when I was seriously struggling to put on any amount of muscle. No matter how much I ate or how long I was in the gym, I just couldn’t grow. All of my “newbie gains” had become old news. I wasted so much time looking at magazine adds promising to deliver all the muscle growth you could ever imagine.
I probably spent thousands of dollars at overpriced stores like GNC buying bullshit that I let myself get suckered into.
Like a lot of young guys, I wanted to get big. I was naive and willing to buy any product that could help. ButI wanted to stay away from something that could put me in jail. Even if I did decide to use steroids, I didn’t have the slightest clue how to get them. I felt hopeless that I would ever be able to get the sort of physic that I wanted. Taking creatine and protein only goes so far.
Over the years I ended up just sticking with things that I knew worked like vitamins and preworkout. Basic supplementation, a strict diet, and a very consistent lifting protocol allowed me to actually see some gains. I lost faith in all the magazines that continuously contained less actual content and became overrun with misleading product adds.
Fed up, I started turning more to real information that I could find on the internet. I soon learned that there was a whole other less mainstream side of the supplement industry. Soon, I became fully aware of cutting edge companies like Blackstone Labs. I learned everything I could about grey market compounds like prohormones and SARMs.
When I started using these products, I began to see REAL results. I discovered that there really where several great legal alternatives to steroids.
Some of these product are hormonal. So, you have to do research on some of them to understand how to avoid negative side effects.
I have listed several products that I have personally used before and seen fantastic results with. Some of the items are completely natural while some have been chemically altered from a parent compound.
There is a new breed of ‘supplements’ that have been on the market for a few years known as SARMs which is an acronym for selective androgen receptor modulator.
Androgen receptors regulate the effects of hormones and gene expressions. When someone takes steroids it activates the receptors and tells them to do awesome things like grow muscle tissue and increase strength but also tells those receptors to do shitty things like cause acne, increase estrogen levels, or elevate blood pressure.
SARMs activate the receptors in a way that is selective to only the favorable qualities rather than the bad, thus being called selective androgen receptor modulators. I truly believe they SARMs can provide just as good results as sane dosages of steroids. But without all the negative side effects.
OSTARINE (mk-2866)
MK-2866, also known as Ostarine or Enobosarm, is one of the best-studied SARMs. It is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modifier that strengthens muscle, bone, and tendons. It does not have the negative side effects associated with testosterone such as raising liver, kidney, and prostate enzymes. Elderly men and women who took modest doses of Ostarine for 12 weeks grew 3 pounds of muscle and lost a pound of fat, with no changes to diet or exercise.
This is an extremely versatile compound that be used for cutting, recomping, and even bulking.
LIGANDROL (lgd-4033)
LGD-4033, also known Ligandrol, is a SARM that has been shown to have positive effects on muscle building, body recomposition, sex drive, and bone density. Already in human trials, Ligandrol has been shown to be highly selective for muscle and bone cells, largely ignoring prostate or sebaceous cells. This makes the side effects for LGD-4033 minimal.
This is definitely more of a bulking SARM. Florida Gators quarterback Will Grier allegedly used Ligandrol to add 43 pounds of muscle in one year.
Although few side effects have been shown, Ligandrol is more suppressive of endogenous testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin than other SARMs, making a full post-cycle therapy necessary. Ligandrol has not shown effects on luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, or estradiol.
HERE are documented before and after bodyscans from using LGD-4033
TESTALONE (rad-140)
This is hands down my favorite SARM. This stuff should strong as shit and gave awesome results. RAD-140 has the highest ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity of any SARM discovered, 90:1.
Testosterone has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 100:100. This means that Testolone is almost as anabolic as testosterone while being only 1/100th as androgenic. This is positive because most of the negative side effects of testosterone, including effects on liver, kidney and prostate, acne, and Gino come from its androgenic effects.

RAD140 and LGD
CL ICK HERE to read my full review on my preferred source for SARMS, Amino Asylum, and use the discount code leavingweakness to get 20% off.
MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue.
This compound basically makes the pituitary gland release more of its natural growth hormone. But I only suggest using this compound if your trying to take in extra calories because this is a Ghrelin agonist. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and taking MK-677 will dramatically increase appetite.
One of the main reasons why bodybuilders are so much bigger nowadays is the use of human growth hormone. So, if you’ve ever wanted to use it but didnt want to spend thousands of dollars. Or, stick a needle in your ass…then give MK-677 a try.
HERE is my full review after using Mk-677
Yes that’s right, the dick pill known as Cialis is often used as a performance enhancing substance for bodybuilding! All the bullshit pump products on the market can’t help hold up to the amount of blood and nutrients that Cialis pumps into the muscles.
This was a real game changer for me and I never experienced such an engorged pump in my life. However, there is a very specific way to use it.
So CLICK HERE to see my full article on cialis for bodybuilding.
Arimistane(Androsta-3,5-deine-7, 17 dione) is a potent aromatase inhibitor which decreases circulating levels of estrogen in the body.
When your testosterone levels go up, your body naturally tries to balance out your hormones by raising your estrogen levels to match it.
This is why body builders who use an utterly stupid amount of gear end up having to worry about gynecomastia. An aromatase inhibitor tells your body not to convert that testosterone to estrogen which keeps you feeling good, keeps water weight down, and helps keep unwanted side effects away.
Arimistane also lowers cortisol which is our body’s natural stress hormone and is released in response to fear or stress by the adrenal glands as part of our built in survival mechanism. High levels of cortisol have been shown to lower immune system functions, interfere with memory/learning, raise blood pressure, and increase weight gain.
It will reduce any possible water retention and reduce cortisol levels. Arimistane can also eliminate the chance of the development of male breast tissue and help to increase sex drive. In my opinion, this is one of the most important supplements a man can take to have peak testosterone production. Use it for a month, come of for a month, and repeat year round.
I use Eradicate because its cost effective and nothing but pure arimistane without any added crap.
CLICK HERE to see more about Arimistane.
Stop taking your shitty tribulus and drop the DAA. Ashwagandha is not yet the most popular testosterone booster the market. However, it definitely has the most clinical research to prove it’s effectivness.
Studies have shown it to boost testosterone levels up to 15%. This medicinal herb has been used in India for centuries with many well studied health benefits.
300mg’s of KSM-66 Ashwagandha was given to human subjects for 60 days. The herb was able to slash cortisol levels by 27% and reduce inflammation. It increased “good” HDL-cholesterol (~17%), and reduced “bad” LDL-cholesterol (~9%).Lets over the study that was done with 57 young and healthy men.
It showed a testosterone increase of 40% on infertile subjects and a 15% increase in healthy subjects. These studies have also shown a significantly improved sperm quality. Another study done with infertile men showed a 36% increase in luteinizing hormone. This suggest that Ashwagandha stimulates testosterone production at brain level.
This is the only natural supplement that has the solid data to prove its effectiveness at raising testosterone levels.
CLICK HERE to get high quality Ashwagandha
So there’s 7 different alternatives to using steroids that actually work.
Hopefully, this article will point you in the direction of some items that aren’t a waste of your money and provide you with some real results.
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