MK 677 Review: Oral Growth Hormone

I want to tell you guys about a compound that I’ve been researching known as MK677.  I do believe that this is an excellent compound to help accelerate reaching your goals. However, there are certain protocols that need to take place to avoid some of it’s negative effects.

What is MK 677 and how does it work?

MK 677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that works by signaling the pituitary gland  to release more of its natural growth hormone.

CLICK HERE to listen my Podcast episode on MK 677

I only suggest using this compound if your trying to take in extra calories because this is a Ghrelin agonist. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and taking MK 677 will dramatically increase appetite.

After MK 677 is consumed, it signals the pituitary gland to release several strong growth hormone pulses throughout the day. This results in the liver producing IGF-1.

Depending on the dosage used, blood work has shown this compound to be very similar to taking between  3 and 8 IUs  pharmacy grade growth hormone.

MK 677  is in many ways just as good as all the other growth hormone peptides they’re all out on the market and maybe even pure growth hormone itself. It doesn’t desensitize a pituitary gland like all the other peptides out on the market and it doesn’t have to be injected.  first of all, MK 677 is  The cheapest option when I comes to researching with growth hormone secretagouges.

My experience using this compound

I had just come off a very successful diet/cutting phase using Cardarine and GC-1. And I was at the point where I felt comfortable putting on some muscle buy being in a calorie surplus. If not,  I ‘ll gain the unwanted weight back. However,I was always apprehensive to use MK 677 because I heard that it increased hunger and caused real bad water retention.

I used to be really overweight and have a tendency to easily gain body fat . Plus, I hold onto water very easily and have to really watch what I eat year round. Yet, I was always intrigued by this compound because it supposed to stimulate growth hormone production. Thus causing your body to heal faster and burn body fat quicker.

So, I read up as much as I could and decided to use trial and error to document my experience with MK 677.

When I started taking this compound I was running it within a stack that also consisted of Ostarine and Cialis. I’d been taking the Ostarine and Cialis for a couple weeks before the the MK 677.  And I’ve ran those two compounds many times before and I wanted to make sure that I introduced the MK 677 later.  This was done to determine where the side effects were coming from.

Side effects and how to mitigate them

I started off at 25 mg a day dosed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The reason why I did this is because I’ve read that GH peptides are more effective taken at that time. And that doing so will cause your body to release more growth hormone.

After three days of use I noticed side effects come on very quickly.  Let me say this before I go any further. I did enjoy this compound once I got the side effects under control, which was fairly easy to do.  However, I refuse to sit here and bullshit you guys by telling you that everything went smooth as can be. I’m providing this info so you can know what you getting in to while avoiding the unwanted side effects.

Most of these side effects usually go away after a couple of weeks and are the result of the body adjusting to a higher lever of GH.

MK 677 Hunger

The first side effect that I noticed was that I was hungry as a motherfucker. And I don’t mean I had it just a little bit of an increased appetite here. I felt like a starving animal that couldn’t get enough food. I was craving stuff that I normally would never eat.

This is an absolute godsend for guys that struggle to put down the food it takes to make gains. But for me, I felt like I came real close to screwing up all the hard work I had done to diet down. It was especially difficult to fight the urge to not eat  junk food.

So I just found myself Pounding down as much chicken and rice as I could to keep myself full during this period.

The amazing thing is that I didn’t really put on much body fat because of the overeating. This leads me to believe that MK 677 truly does increase growth hormone that will allow your body to burn more fat.

MK 677 Lethargy

The next side effect that came was the lethargy. I noticed after a few hours of taking this compound that I felt exhausted throughout the day. I didn’t feel like I had the flu or anything like that.  But i constantly felt like I was drained of energy and needed to take a nap really bad.

At this point I decided that I was going to go ahead and start taking the MK-677 at night to see if that would mitigate this side effect. It took me a few days to get used to this because I was struggling to wake up in time to hit the gym.

The first few nights I also noticed a  tingling sensation in my hands which went away after a few days as well. I found that this is a common side effect of pure MK-677.

But like I said, within a week all the trouble I was having waking up pretty much disappeared.

Water Retention form MK677

Another common issue that a lot of people report is water retention and I did have some issues with that early on where my fingers felt a little swollen but it was nothing that was excruciating. Once I lowered my sodium levels this quickly went away.

Another thing that helped me get through that was taking a water pill once a day. Most water pills have dandelion root extract which reduces excess water that your body is holding onto. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and not taking in a bunch of junk food that’s loaded with salt.

The benefits of using MK-677

Increased strength

I got strong as shit while I was using this! I was adding on more weight on all lifts weekly without feeling like I was tearing my body down!  And I never really get that much as far strength gains when just using Ostarine so I know it came from using the MK-677.

Tighter and Healthier skin

I also noticed that my skin seem to be much healthier. I didn’t get any sort of acne or oily skin from the stuff and my face seemed much smoother and clear that it ever normally had. The skin around my chest and shoulders even seemed to get a little tighter.

Improved sleep

I had mentioned how whenever I start taking this compound at night I was sleeping harder. I actually find that is a huge benefit because I’ve never slept that great through the night in about actually had issues with sleep paralysis in the past. While using MK-677 I’d never woke up in the middle of the night and felt refreshed the next morning whenever I woke up.

I’m the kind person where I always feel like I never really get that much quality sleep and always have the feeling when I wake up that I never really get any real sleep. This compound certainly changed that!

Accelerated Healing

Another big positive of using this was how much quicker I healed from weight training. I was no longer finding that I was feeling sore for two or three days after doing really heavy workouts.

Seriously guys, I would be a little sore the next morning after a brutal workout. Then halfway through that same day…. I was good to go.

MK 677 dosage and how to use it

MK-677 is not a SARM even though it’s kind of want into that same category. Since it does not affect the endocrine system, you can  stack this with other compounds for more drastic results.

It is my experience that this compound pretty much works well with any SARM.  But it seems to really shine when used with LGD-4033. These two compounds create an impressive synergy to put on some really nice mass for those looking to bulk up.

There’s plenty of  data where the folks that developed MK-677 did studies ranging from 10mg all the way up to 50mg. The general consensus  is that the sweet spot is 25 mg a day when ran in shorter durations like 2 or 3 months. Folks who want to run this longer  for its health benefits are going to want to stay around 15mg.

Bigger Dosing Can Lead To Bigger Side Effects

After using this compound for about a month, I got a wild hair up my ass to mega dose it to see what would happen. The dosage was increased to 50mgs a day and I was hoping for even better results.

What actually happened was I developed three fairly painful cysts within a week! Two were under my armpit and on was on my inner thigh.  I have never had ANY issues with cysts or growths before.

I called Seth Williams up to get his take on this. Seth runs an outstanding research chemical company called Newsarms . He told me that dosing at such a high level would only result in diminished returns.

Seth also mentioned that I needed to keep in mind that MK-677 will essentially cause accelerated growth in all the tissue in the body which would explain the sudden appearance of cysts.  I immediately lowered my dose to 15mg and the cysts all went away within a few days.

I personally think that  running it for 6 months at the more conservative dosage is the best option.  This will  give a nice medium to get good results but keep side effects at a lower occurrence.

I suggest taking it before bed to avoid the Lethargy and hunger issues that come from daytime usage. This stuff will put you to sleep like a baby …which makes it a hell of a lot easier to avoid the hunger pains.

Sarms Liquid vs capsules

This is a question I get all the time with research chemicals so Im just going to go ahead and address it.

I honestly don’t think this matters as long as you’ve got a trustworthy source that you know isn’t selling bunk shit. There are tons of fake shills on forums that claim all sarms  in caps are all laced with prohormones.

That isn’t always true, these all start out as raw powders…then are either encapsulated or suspended in liquid.

I think it kind of comes down to personal preference. Some people like using liquids better because it gives them more flexibility on the dosage. However, some will prefer capsules because they’re more easy to transport whenever you’re traveling and don’t come with the bad chemical taste it comes with liquids.

Finding A Trustworthy Source

I’ve used a bunch of different brands before and these are the only two companies that I have found where I feel like I was actually getting real MK677. My understanding is that this is the most commonly faked of all the research chemicals. Here are the best sources that I’ve found so far:

Chemyo MK677 Review

If your looking for liquid sarms, then CHEMYO is the company you want to take a look at. They’ve been around forever and have a great reputation for having great consistency with product quality and service. Additionally, They also post all their 3rd party testing results on each product page so you know that what your getting is actually real.

You can get 10% off any of their items by using the discount code: LEAVINGWEAKNESS

CLICK HERE to see all their products.

Amino Asylum

I’ve used several amino and peptide companies in the past and this company surpassed my expectations on all fronts. Amino Asylum really shines in regards to customer service and  getting orders out quickly. They maintain a huge selection of items and have really innovative items such as nasal spray peptides. Here is a full review I did on them.

CLICK HERE to checkout Amino Asylum and get 20% off using the code: LW20

Here is a study on MK-677 worth reading


  1. Good stuff and thanks for the mention any questions about doing research with any research chemical, mk677 or a SARM and need help hit me up text 256-497-0494
    Seth Williams

  2. Bro, I want to ask u about this mk 677
    I’m almost done wtih my 8 weeks Ligandrol
    is it okay to use this mk 677 + cardarine + mini pct when i’m done with my LGD ?
    Thx bro

    • Yes, those two compounds can be used during PCT.

      MK-677 will not mess with your endocrine system at all in the way of testosterone production or estrogen levels so you can actually run it as long as an entire year if you want.

      Same thing with Cardarine but I would keep cycles of that to 8 weeks or less.

      • okay thanks Bro Scott for the very helpfull info….

  3. Does this mean you don’t need a PCT for the mk-677?
    Im a friend of Zedpade/Patrick and he told me to ask questions here if needed.
    Im currently running mk677 with lgd4033 as you mentioned above, do I just use a pct for the lgd4033 and ignore the mk677 after the 8 weeks cycle?

    • MK-677 does not affect testosterone or estrogen production so a PCT will not be needed solely for that compound.

      However, LGD-4033 (or any SARM for that matter) absolutely requires a PCT.

      So, you can run the MK-677 for up to 12 months during cycles, PCTs, and time of. Just another way to keep the results coming!

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