Tag: Neuropeptides

Noopept Nasal Spray Review

Noopept is an nootropic capable of enhancing brain or mental function. Noopept was created by Rita Ostrovskaya (Russian neuroscientist with a background in molecular biology) and patented by a Russian-based pharmaceutical company in 1996.

This nootropic is similar in action to the racetam-class nootropics but I consider it more of a neuropeptide as the primary compound responsible for its efficacy is a peptide called cycloprolylglycine (CPG).

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Peptide Podcast Part 2: Neuropeptides

In this weeks continuation of the Peptide series, we will discuss three neuropeptides.  All possessing  benefits such as cognitive enhancement, and promising studies showing the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Compounds of topic are Semax, Selank, and DSIP.

CLICK HERE to Listen to the Podcast on Apple  podcast.


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