Tag: Trestolone Acetate cylce

Testolone MENT Podcast

In this episode we are going to explore one of my favorite research compounds, Trestolone Acetate which is commonly known as MENT. Every time I post about this compound on the Instagram page, I get blown up with questions because its such a misunderstood compound. I organized this episode in a way that covers the scientific studies while also discussing first hand, real world experience.

Click any of the links below to listen to the show. You can CLICK HERE for the best source to buy Trestolone (MENT).

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MENT Review: Trestolone Acetate 101

Trestolone Acetate (7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone) aka MENT, is an extremely powerful steroid discovered in 1963. Trestolone was pretty much abandoned until the 1990s when the Population Council began looking at it as a potential candidate for male birth control and HRT.

MENT induces a state of temporary infertility but has the unique ability to maintain normal biological functions in the complete absence of testosterone. This means that libido, energy levels, and sense of well-being are all maintained when running this compound solo.

This is basically methylated Deca-Nandrolon, which completely changes the parent compounds pharmacology. But it lacks serious hepatotoxic effects because its an Continue reading


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